Table 3.
Cost-effectiveness for expanded HPV Vaccination: incremental increase of upper age limit of expanded catch-upa.
Strategy | Treatment costs ($) | Screening costs ($) | Vaccine costs ($) | Total costs ($) | Total QALYs (QALY) | ICER ($/QALY) |
Status quob | 287.83 | 1,003.43 | 140.57 | 1,431.83 | 27.6097625 | – |
Expanded catch-up for 13–26 year-olds | 286.60 | 1,003.42 | 146.68 | 1,436.70 | 27.6098038 | Weakly Dominated ($117,000c) |
Expanded catch-up for 13–29 year-olds | 285.37 | 1,003.41 | 152.07 | 1,440.85 | 27.6098501 | 103,000d |
Expanded catch-up for 13–34 year-olds | 283.21 | 1,003.38 | 162.70 | 1,449.29 | 27.6099291 | 107,000e |
Expanded catch-up for 13–39 year-olds | 281.42 | 1,003.35 | 174.47 | 1,459.24 | 27.6099926 | 157,000f |
Expanded catch-up for 13–45 year-olds | 280.15 | 1,003.34 | 187.00 | 1,470.49 | 27.6100365 | 256,000g |
aCosts and QALYs are per capita accumulated over a 100-year time horizon with 3% annual discount rate.
bStatus quo includes vaccination of 9–26 year females, and 9–21 year males
cThe ICER of current ACIP recommendations (harmonization) compared with status quo is $117,000/QALY
dICER for expanded catch-up for 13–29 years, compared with status quo
eICER for expanded catch-up for 13–34 years, compared with vaccinating 13–29 years
fICER for expanded catch-up for 13–39 years, compared with vaccinating 13–34 years
gICER for expanded catch-up for 13–45 years, compared with vaccinating 13–39 years
Abbreviations: ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QALYs, quality-adjusted life years