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. 2021 Feb 23;17(3):e13118. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13118


Unit costs and quantities used as model parameters: Base case values, assumptions and ranges used in the sensitivity analyses

Parameters Description Base case value Assumptions for min values Assumptions for max values Sources
Cohort size a = Total number of children included in the trial and considered for the analysis 798 NA NA Trial database
Total number of treatment consultations b = c + d 6,337 NA NA
Standard protocol c = Total number of treatment consultations in the standard dosage arm 3,163 NA NA Trial database
Reduced protocol d = Total number of treatment consultations in the reduced dosage arm 3,174 NA NA Trial database
Number of sachets prescribed during the trial e = f + g NA NA
Standard protocol f = Number of RUTF sachets prescribed in the standard arm 61,580 NA NA Trial database
Reduced protocol g = Number of RUTF sachets prescribedin the reduced dosage arm 42,839 NA NA Trial database
Cost of RUTF sachet h = i + j = Average cost of the RUTF sachet taking into account the origin $0.33 [0.25–0.49] We assumed all the RUTF sachets were bought by the health system through its usual circuit (less expensive, purchased to Nutriset or InnoFaso through UNICEF) We assumed all the RUTF sachet prescribed were directly bought to Nutriset (most expensive circuit) Trial database and financial documents
Sachet i = Amount paid to the producer $0.28 [0.24–0.36]
Management j = Cost of transport from the capital to the implementation base and costs related to stock management $0.06 [0.01–0.12]
Cost of drugs a We assumed that the drugs were purchased locally and took away transport and transit costs We increased by 10% the value of the base case

Trial database for the quantities

Financial documents for the costs

Standard protocol Average cost of drugs prescribed during a treatment consultation in the standard arm $0.22 [0.14–0.24]
Reduced protocol Average cost of drugs prescribed during a treatment consultation in the reduced arm $0.24 [0.14–0.26]
Material costs Annuitized material costs over the project duration, equivalent for one consultation $0.06 [0.05–0.08] −25% was applied to the equipment useful time +25% was applied to the equipment useful time Interviews with local health workers and trial financial documents

Consumables costs

Standard protocol

Reduced protocol

Cost related to the consumables used for a single treatment consultation in the standard arm

Cost related to the consumables used for a single treatment consultation in the standard arm

$0.92 [0.83–1.02]

$0.93 [0.84–1.02]

−10% was applied on each consumable purchase cost 10% was applied on each consumable purchase cost Trial financial documents
Human resource costs Cost related to the time spent by health care workers to perform the treatment activities during a single consultation $1.85 [0.3–3.5] We used the time spent to perform the different treatment activities in the real life We used the time estimated by the trail staff (these estimations were overvalued) Interviews with the trial staff and use of the trial financial documents
Caregiver cost K = L + M + P = Costs borne by the caregivers for a single consultation $1.99 [1.18–2.93]
Out‐of‐pocket expense (transport cost + food) L = Expenses borne by caregivers for a consultation, mainly food purchase expenses $0.68 [0.41–0.92] We used the min of the range values of the confidence intervals of the mean calculated with the trial database We used the max of the range values of the confidence intervals of the mean calculated with the trial database Interviews with caregivers
Income loss M = N × O = Income lost for seeking care $1.31 [0.77–2.01] NA NA
Time spent by the caregivers for a consultation (see technical appendix) N = Return trip duration + time spent at the health care centre for a consultation $5.04 [2.94–7.72] We used the min values of the times communicated by the beneficiaries and the staff during the interviews. We used the max values of the times communicated by the beneficiaries and the staff during the interviews. Interviews with caregivers
Mandatory minimum monthly wage for domestic workers O = Legal local minimum monthly wage for domestic workers $45.35 NA NA Country legislation
Local hourly wage O/174 $0.261 NA NA
Community health workers cost Q = Average cost of the community health workers searching children who missed their consultations, equivalent for one consultation $0.0027 [0.008–0.0046] We used the min values of the times communicated by the community health workers during the interviews We used the max values of the times communicated by the community health workers during the interviews Interviews with community health workers and country legislation

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; RUTF, ready‐to‐use therapeutic food.


Includes arthemether, amoxiciline and albendazole.