Table 2.
Variable | Description | Source |
POV | Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day | WB |
GINI | Gini index | WB |
ATMS | Automated teller machines per 100,000 adults | FAS—IMF |
DEP1K | Number of depositors with commercial banks per 1,000 adults | FAS—IMF |
ACC1K | Number of deposit accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults | FAS—IMF |
BOR1K | Number of borrowers from commercial banks per 1,000 adults | FAS—IMF |
LOANS | Outstanding loans from commercial banks (% of GDP) | FAS—IMF |
DEPGDP | Outstanding deposits with commercial banks (% of GDP) | FAS—IMF |
FI_1 | Principal component 1 | – |
FI_2 | Principal component 2 | – |
GDPPC | GDP per capita | WB |
FEM | Female participation of the total workforce | WB |
RURAL | Ratio of rural population to the total population | WB |
UNEMP | Unemployment level | WB |
ROL | Rule of Law index | WGI |
INF | Inflation (GDP deflator; annual %) | WB |
MOB | Mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 people | WB |
WB, World Bank; FAS—IMF, Financial Access Survey (FAS) published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF); WGI, Worldwide Governance Indicators