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. 2021 Feb 11;12:621247. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.621247


Guidelines for continuation of biological drugs in pregnancy, lactation and male partners.

Biologic name Outcomes of pregnancy animal studies a ACR EULAR BSR/BHPR
Pregnancy/Breastfeeding/Paternal Sammaritano et al. (2020) Pregnancy/Breastfeeding/Paternal Götestam Skorpen et al. (2016) Pregnancy/Breastfeeding/Paternal Flint et al. (2016)
Infliximab Infliximab analogue did not result in fetal malformations or developmental effects in mice offspring. Conditional b /Continue/Continue Stop at week 20/Continue/- Stop at week 16/Continue/Continue
Adalimumab Exposing cynomolgus monkeys to doses higher than the MHRD did not result in fetal malformations or harms. Stop at week 20/Continue/- Conditional b /Continue/Continue
Golimumab No neonatal or postnatal developmental harm with pregnancy and breastfeeding in monkeys. Conditional b /NA/- NA/NA/NA
Etanercept No evidence of mal-formations in rats and rabbits exposed to etanercept during embryogenesis. Normal post-natal development of rats exposed to doses 48 times the human dose. Continue/Continue/- Conditional b /Continue/Continue
Certolizumab Studies in rats using antimurine analogue resulted in no fetal harms or malformations Continue/Continue/Continue Continue/Continue/- Continue/Continue/Continue
Abatacept In-utero and juvenile exposure of rats to doses 11 times the MHRD resulted in disturbance in fetal immune response. Discontinue/Conditional/NA Discontinue c /Discontinue c /- Discontinue/NA/NA
Rituximab Animal exposure showed no teratogenic effect but decrease in B-cell lymphoid tissue and reversible decline in B-cell population. Conditional d /Conditional d /Continue Discontinue c /Discontinue c /- Discontinue 6 mths pre-conception/NA/Continue
Belimumab Exposure of monkeys throughout pregnancies to high doses resulted in no fetal malformations. Fetal decrease in peripheral and lymphoid tissue B-cell population, increase in total IgG and decrease in IgM were reported. All changes recovered within the first year of life. Discontinue/Conditional e /NA Discontinue c /Discontinue c /- Discontinue/NA/NA
Secukinumab No fetal toxicity or malformations on exposure to high doses. Discontinue/Conditional e /NA
Secukinumab analogue did not lead to abnormal morphological or immunological effects In a pre- and post-natal developmental study.
Ixekizumab No fetal toxicity or malformations was observed on exposure to high doses
In pre and post-natal developmental studies, no abnormal morphological or immunological effects. However, early neonatal deaths were reported, unlikely due to ixekizumab.
Ustekinumab In embryofetal and developmental studies, exposure >100 times higher than the human SC exposure resulted in no fetal toxicities, malformations, developmental, morphological or immunological effects. Unexplained 2 neonatal deaths were reported. Discontinue/Conditional e /NA Discontinue c /Discontinue c /-
Tocilizumab No fetal toxicity, malformations, developmental or immunological abnormalities were reported. Discontinue/Conditional e /NA Discontinue c /Discontinue c /- Discontinue 3 mths pre-conception/NA/NA
Increase in rate of abortions was reported in monkeys at doses 1.25 higher than the MRHD.
Anakinra Studies on rabbits and mice at doses 25 times the MRHD resulted in no fetal harm. Discontinue/Conditional e /Conditional Discontinue c /Discontinue c /- Discontinue/NA/NA
Canakinumab Studies on monkeys at doses 11 times the MRHD showed no malformations. Rate of skeletal developmental delay due to incomplete ossification was increased.
Rilonacept Study on monkeys reported rib and vertebral abnormalities. There was also increase in rate of stillbirths and neonatal deaths.
Eculizumab Exposure of mice to doses up to 8 times the MRHD early in pregnancy resulted in no abnormality. Exposure during organogenesis resulted in 2/230 neonates with retinal dysplasia. Exposure from implantation to weaning was associated with higher death rate among pups. All live births showed normal development.
Denosumab In monkeys, high still-birth and newborn mortality rates due to intrinsic fetal defects such as increased bone mass, insufficient hematopoiesis, hypoglycemia, and hypocalcemia.
Abnormal bone growth with decreased strength, absence of lymph-node groups, dental dysplasia and reduced neonatal growth were reported in the offspring.

Animal experimental data were extracted from FDA labes of each drug.


Stop before third trimester.


Discontinue except if no pregnancy compatible alternative to control activity.


Consider use in organ/life threatening conditions.


Limited available data but expected minimal transfer in breast milk.

NA: No available recommendation due to limited published data. — Not mentioned in the guidelines. MHRD, maximum human recommended dose.