(A) Schematic of the different crosslinking motifs created in actin-microtubule networks: no crosslinkers (None), actin crosslinked to actin (A-A), microtubules crosslinked to microtubules (M-M), both actin-actin and microtubule-microtubule crosslinking (A-A/M-M), and actin crosslinked to microtubules (A-M). Biotinylated actin filaments and/or microtubules are crosslinked with NeutrAvidin to achieve the different motifs. (B) Videos of diffusing 1 μm fluorescent microspheres are collected and analyzed using single-particle tracking (SPT) (C) and differential dynamic microscopy (DDM) (D). (C) For SPT, the mean squared displacement (MSD) is plotted versus lag time () and fit to the power-law function that describes anomalous diffusion. (D) For DDM, intermediate scattering functions are generated and fit to to extract the decay times , stretching exponents , and nonergodicity parameters for each condition. Data shown in (C) and (D) are for particles diffusing in the network without crosslinking (None).