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. 2021 Jun 10;759:136040. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2021.136040

Table 1.

Clinical, laboratory and neuroimaging features in COVID-19 patients with acute myelopathies. *: F-U, follow-up; follow-up evaluation is reported for each symptom within brackets, according to the following coding: P, persisting without substantial improvement; I, improved without full recovery; R, resolved. Follow-up timing is reported in number of weeks after onset. ** the patient’s neurological onset occurred 3 weeks after the occurrence of infectious COVID-19 symptoms in her family. # between infectious and neurological symptoms.

Zanin et al.[7] Zoghi et al.[8] Sarma et al.[9] Zhao et al.[10] Aguila-Gordo et al.[11] Abdelhady et al.[12] Alketbi et al.[13]
Subject 54 y-o F 21 y-o M 28 y-o F 66 y-o M 50 y-o M 52 y-o M 32 y-o M
COVID-19 course Severe Moderate Mild Severe Mild Severe Moderate
Neurologic onset / symptoms (F-U*, timing) Sub-acute Sub-acute Acute Sub-acute Acute Acute
- Motor d. N.E. Tetraplegia (I, 2) Paraplegia Flaccid paraplegia (P, 2) Paraplegia (N.S.) Flaccid tetraplegia Flaccid tetraplegia (I, 1)
- Sensory d. N.E. Mid-thoracic level (I, 2) Upper-dorsal level (P, 1) Mid-thoracic level (N.S.) Mid-thoracic level (I, N.S.) N.S.
- Sphincter d. N.E. Bladder (N.S.) Bladder Both (N.S.) Bladder (N.S.) N.S. Bladder (I, 1)
- Other Seizure, coma (R, 4) Vomiting (R, 2) Vomiting Exitus after 5 days
Latency / Overlap # “Several days”/Yes 15 days/Yes 1 week/Yes 6 days/Yes 1 day/Yes 3 days/Yes 2 days/Yes
SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR (in-hospital swab) - Timing after onset: Positive Negative N.P. Positive Positive Positive Positive
- Infectious “Several days” 14 days 5 days 4 days 3 days 2 days
- Neurological Simultaneous 4 days Simultaneous 3 days Simultaneous Simultaneous
Other COVID-19 supportive tests IgG+ Previous swab+
Brain imaging MRI: Multiple white matter lesions MRI: Corticospinal and splenial lesions N.P. CT: Normal MRI: Normal MRI: Normal N.P.
Spine imaging –
N of lesions
-Axial pattern N.S. N.S. N.S. Ventral horn grey matter Grey matter
-Longitudinal extension Medulla, C2, C3-T6 Cervical LETM LETM (medulla-conus) Thoracic LETM LETM (cervico-thoraco-lumbar)
-Enhancement Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
-Hemorrhage Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
-F-U (timing) N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P.
CSF findings N.P. N.P.
-Cells (n/mmc) Normal 150 → 250 Ly (3 d) 125 Ly Normal “Lymphocytosis”
-Protein (mg/dl) Normal 281 → 111 (3 d) Normal Normal “Hyperproteinorrachia”
-Glucose (mg/dl) Normal 34 Normal
-OCBs Absent
-SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Negative Negative N.P. Negative Negative
Diagnosis Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis Acute myelitis Acute myelitis Acute myelitis Acute flaccid myelitis Acute myelitis
Treatment (dose, duration)
-Steroids DEX (20 mg then 10 mg od, each 10 days) M−P (N.S.) DEX (10 mg od, 10 days) DEX (N.S.) + (N.S.) M−P (1 g od, 5 days)
-IVIg IVIg (15 g od, 7 days) + (N.S.)
-P-E 5 sessions 2 sessions
-Antimicrobials Antiretroviral (N.S.) Vancomycin, meropenem, acyclovir (N.S.) Ganciclovir (0.5 g od, 14 days), lopinavir/ritonavir (5 days), moxifloxacin (400 mg od, 6 days), meropenem (1 g bid, 8 days) Lopinavir/ritonavir (N.S.) Acyclovir (N.S.) Acyclovir 750 mg tid (N.S.)
- Other HCQ (N.S.) HCQ (N.S.) Enoxaparin 40 mg od
Munz et al.[14] Chow et al.[15] Baghbanian et al.[16] Zachariadis et al.[17] Kaur et al.[18] Sotoca et al.[19] Maideniuc et al.[20] Masuccio et al.[21] Valiuddin et al.[22]
Subject 60 y-o M 60 y-o M 53 y-o F 63 y-o M 3 y-o F 69 y-o F 61 y-o F 70 y-o F 61 y-o F
COVID-19 course Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Asymptomatic Mild Mild Mild Mild
Neurologic onset / symptoms (F-U*, timing) Acute Sub-acute Acute Sub-acute Acute Sub-acute Sub-acute Sub-acute Sub-acute
- Motor d. Lower limbs (I, 2) Lower limbs (R, 1) Distal lower limbs (I, N.S.) Lower limbs (I, 4) Four limbs (P, N.S.) Bilateral hand and lower limbs (I, 4) Lower limbs (I, 4) Lower limbs (P, 2) Lower limbs (P, 4)
- Sensory d. Mid-thoracic level (I, 2) Lower limbs (R, 1) Mid-thoracic level (N.S.) Mid-thoracic level (P, 4) Bilateral hand and lower limbs (I, 4) Lower limbs (I, 4) Four limbs (P, 2) Mid thoracic level (I, 4)
- Sphincter d. Bladder (R, 2) Both (R, 1) Bladder (R, 1) Both (P, 4) Both (P) Both (N.S.) Both (P, 4)
- Other Respiratory failure
Latency / Overlap # > 1 week /No 16 days /No 2 weeks /No 12 days /No Unidentifiable ** 8 days /No 5 days /No 5 days /No 3 days /No
SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR (in-hospital swab) - Timing after onset: Negative Negative N.P. Negative Positive Positive Positive Negative Positive
- Infectious >1 week 18 days 16 days >1 week 8 days 25 days 7 days
- Neurological Simultaneous 2 days 4 days Simultaneous Simultaneous 3 days 10 days 4 days
Other COVID-19 supportive tests Previous swab+ IgG+>IgA+>IgM+ Previous swab+ Previous swab+ IgM+ IgG + IgG+
Brain imaging MRI: Normal MRI: Normal MRI: Normal MRI: Normal MRI: Normal MRI: Normal MRI: Normal MRI: Normal N.P.
Spine imaging –N of lesions MRI: Multiple MRI: Single MRI: Single MRI: Normal findings MRI: Single MRI: Single MRI: Single MRI: Single MRI: Single
-Axial pattern Transverse Centromedullary N.S. Transverse Centromedullary Posterior columns Centromedullary
-Longitudinal extension T3; T9 LETM: T7-T10 LETM: T8-T10 LETM: medulla-T7 LETM: medulla-C7 LETM: C1-C7 C7-T1 LETM: C1-C7
-Enhancement Absent Absent N.S. Absent Patchy Patchy Absent Absent
-Hemorrhage Absent Absent N.S. Patchy (F-U, 5 d) Absent Absent Absent Absent
-F-U (timing) Persisting (6 d) Resolved (10 d) N.P. Worsened (5 d) Worsened (7 d) Persisting (5 d) N.P.
CSF findings
-Cells (n/mmc) 16 →3 Ly (12 d) Normal 13 Ly 16 →36 Ly (6 d) 282 RBC, 40N 75 Ly 312 RBC, 3 WBC Normal Normal
-Protein (mg/dl) 79.3→73.4 (12 d) 79 Normal 57.3→60 (6 d) 58 283 87 Normal 87→153 (9 d)
-Glucose (mg/dl) Normal Normal Normal Normal 73 Normal
-OCBs Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Mirror pattern Absent
-SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative N.P. Negative
Diagnosis Post-infectious acute myelitis Post-infectious acute myelitis Post-infectious acute myelitis Post-infectious acute myelitis Post (?) infectious acute myelitis Acute necrotizing myelitis Post-infectious myelitis / AMAN Post-infectious myelitis / AMAN Acute myelitis / AMAN
Treatment (dose, duration)
-Steroids M−P (100 mg OD, N.S.) M−P (1 g OD, 3 days) N.S. (N.S., 5 days) M−P (30 mg/kg, 5 days) M−P (1 g OD, 5 days, 2 sessions) M−P (1 g OD, 5 days) M−P 1 g OD for 5 days
-IVIg (0.4 g/kg, 5 days) (0.4 g/kg, 5 days) + (N.S.)
-P-E + (N.S.) 7 sessions + (N.S.) 5 sessions + (N.S.) 5 sessions
-Rituximab 375 mg/m2

Abbreviations: y-o, year-old; F, female; M, male; CNS, central nervous system; Ly, lymphocytes; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; OCBs, oligoclonal bands; LETM, longitudinal elongated transverse myelitis; N.P., not performed; OD, omne in die; bid, bis in die; M−P, methylprednisolone; P-E, plasma exchange; DEX, dexamethasone; HCQ, hydroxychloroquine; IVIg, intravenous immunoglobulins.