The H&E stained histologic section of an incisor tooth and periodontal tissue of rat in chlorhexidine treated group (from a to c): a-b: Intact junctional epithelium with mild inflammatory cells in the insertion point (inset), c: Regular bone surface with well-formed dense bone, a narrow periodontal ligament space of uniform width filled with organized active periodontal ligament tissue attached to a regular cementum surface and multiple dilated blood vessels (red arrow head). Curcumin treated group (from d to f): d: Intact junctional epithelium, e: With mild to moderate inflammatory cells in the insertion point. f: Irregular bone surface with resorption area as indicated by yellow arrow (osteoclast) with well-formed dense bone, a wide periodontal ligament space of uniform width filled with less organized active periodontal ligament tissue attached to a regular cementum surface and dilated blood vessels (red arrow). Scale bar 10 μm in section a, and 20 μm in section b and c. AB: alveolar bone, PL: periodontal ligament and C: cementum).