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. 2020 Oct 1;51(7):2402–2415. doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04699-7

Table 3.

AQ and SRS-A scores for ASD group versus non-ASD group

ASD (n = 63)
M (SD)
Non-ASD (n = 29)
M (SD)
Effect size
(Cohen’s d)
AQ total** 29.17 (7.75) 20.97 (8.13) 1.04
AQ scales
 Social skill** 6.70 (2.19) 3.86 (2.72) 1.20
 Attention switching 7.10 (2.43) 5.66 (2.79) .57
 Attention to detail 5.48 (2.62) 4.14 (2.34) .53
 Communication** 5.38 (2.22) 3.45 (2.16) .88
 Imagination 4.52 (2.14) 3.86 (2.15) .31
SRS-A total

83.92 (24.25)

70.87 (10.76)

67.42 (28.04)

63.59 (12.56)



SRS-A scales
 Social awareness

22.30 (7.83)

66.44 (11.68)

18.14 (8.37)

60.59 (12.80)



 Social communication

29.08 (8.36)

70.56 (9.93)

23.48 (10.60)

63.83 (12.36)



 Social motivation*

18.83 (5.89)

70.17 (11.20)

14.62 (6.64)

62.59 (12.26)



 Restricted interests & repetitive behavior

13.71 (6.16)

68.78 (13.85)

11.17 (6.66)

63.24 (14.71)



*p = .004, **p < .001, corrected for multiple testing, using Bonferroni correction p < α = .05/11

For clinical interpretation, not only raw scores but also T-scores (in italic) are presented for the SRS-A. The conclusions concerning statistical significant differences are the same