Table 1.
List of genes and probes used.
Transcript | Taqman probe | Cell type | Function |
KLF2 | Hs00360439_g1 | EC | Transcription factor responsive to fluid shear stress/pro-inflammatory stimuli |
NOS3 (eNOS) | Hs01574665_m1 | EC | Production of nitric oxide |
PECAM1 | Hs01065279_m1 | EC | Intercellular adhesion molecule |
CDH5 (VE-Cadherin) | Hs00901465_m1 | EC | Intercellular adhesion molecule |
IL-6 | Hs00174131_m1 | EC/PC | Pro-inflammatory cytokine |
CSPG4 (NG2) | Hs00171790_m1 | PC | Angiogenesis |
PDGFRβ | Hs01019589_m1 | PC | Recruitment |
EC endothelial cell; PC pericyte.