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. 2020 Oct 10;43(3):1135–1158. doi: 10.1007/s11357-020-00274-1

Table 1.

Effect of rapamycin on lifespan of various strains of mice

Mouse strain Age started Rapa dose Increase in life span Reference
UM-HET3 19 months 14 ppm* 9% M–14% F [6]
C57BL/6Nia 22–24 months 4 mg/kg i.p.+ > 100% M [138]
UM-HET3 9 months 14 ppm* 10% M–18% F [17]
129/Sv 2 months 1.5 mg/kg s.c.^ 10% F [40]
C57BL/6 4, 13, and 20 months 14 ppm* 11% M [79]
UM-HET3 9 months 4.7, 14, and 42 ppm* 3–23% M to 16–26% F [19]
C57BL/6J 4 months 14 ppm* 11% M–16% F [16]
C57BL/6Nia 19 months 14 ppm* 0% M–6% F [139]
129/Sv × C57BL/6 2 months 14 ppm* 12% M–21% F [38]
C57BL/6Nia 20 months

126 ppm*

8 mg/kg i.p. daily#

45% M–39% F

61% M–0% F

C57BL/6J 20 months 2 mg/kg i.p.@ 13% F [10]
UM-HET3 9 months 14 ppm* + metformin* 23% M–23% F [140]
C57BL/6 × C3H 20–23 months 4 mg/kg i.p.++ 10% M–22%F [30]
UM-HET3 9 months 4.7, 14, and 42 ppm* 16, 21, 26% F [131]
C57BL/6 3 months 42 ppm* 58% M and F [29]

*Rapamycin given in the diet

^Rapamycin given for 2 weeks and then not given rapamycin for 2 weeks

#Rapamycin given for only 3 months

@Rapamycin given 5 days/week

+Rapamycin given every other day for 6 weeks

++Rapamycin given every other day