Table 2.
Metric |
Definition |
Formula |
Assay-specific definitions |
Bioinformatics assay |
Genotypic AMR characterization |
Virulence gene detection |
Serotype determination |
Plasmid replicon detection |
Sequence typing |
stx |
other |
Repeatability |
Agreement of the assay based on intra-assay replicates |
Repeatability=100 %×(# intra-assay replicates in agreement)/(total # intra-assay replicates) |
Intra-assay replicate |
Running the bioinformatics workflow twice on the same dataset in the same computational environment |
Reproducibility |
Agreement of the assay based on inter-assay replicates |
Reproducibility=100 %×(# inter-assay replicates in agreement)/(total # inter-assay replicates) |
Inter-assay replicate |
Running the bioinformatics workflow twice on the same dataset in a separate computational environment |
Accuracy |
The likelihood that results of the assay are correct |
Accuracy=100 %×(TP+TN)/(TN +FN+TP+FP) |
True positive result |
Resistance predicted for antibiotic group for which there is phenotypic resistance |
Gene detected by workflow and PCR |
Same serotype detected as by PCR-based methods |
Plasmid replicon detected by workflow and PlasmidFinder tool |
Detection of the same allele as the platform |
Precision |
The likelihood that detected results of the assay are truly present |
Precision=100 %×TP/(TP+FP) |
False negative result |
Sensitivity predicted for antibiotic group for which there is phenotypic resistance |
Gene detected by PCR but not the workflow |
Different serotype detected as by PCR-based methods |
Plasmid replicon detected by PlasmidFinder tool but not the workflow |
Detection of a different allele as the platform |
Sensitivity |
The likelihood that a result will be correctly picked up by the assay when present |
Sensitivity=100 %×TP/(TP+FN) |
True negative result |
Sensitivity predicted for antibiotic group for which there is phenotypic sensitivity |
Gene not detected by workflow nor by PCR |
No serotype detected in negative control sample |
Plasmid replicon not detected by workflow nor by PlasmidFinder tool |
No detection of an allele in negative control sample |
Specificity |
The likelihood that a result will not be falsely picked up by the assay when not present |
Specificity=100 %×TN/(TN+FP) |
False positive result |
Resistance predicted for antibiotic group for which there is phenotypic sensitivity |
Gene detected by workflow but not by PCR |
Serotype detected in a negative control sample |
Plasmid replicon detected by workflow but not by PlasmidFinder tool |
Detection of an allele in negative control sample |
TP, True positive; FP, false positive; FN, false negative; TN, true negative.