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. 2021 May 27;12:677701. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.677701

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies.

First author [reference number] Accessed Date Site Age, median (min-max), years Stage/Severity of disease Number of included patients (n) Number of samples tested (n) Tissue assayed Study design Main conclusion Limitations Mean days until semen/testicular samples collection (min-max) Sample SARS-CoV-2 positive (n, %)
Li D (3) May, 2020 Shangqiu, China NP   38 Semen Cohort study SARS-CoV-2 can be present in the semen of patients with COVID-19. Small sample size and the short subsequent follow-up. Lack of specific methods for the study of semen. NP 6 (15.8)
      Recovered 23         2.5 (2-3) 2 (8.69)
      Acute 15         7.3 (2-13) 4 (26.67)
Paoli D (13) April, 2020 Rome, Italy 31 Mild 1 1 Semen Case report Semen sample search for SARS-CoV-2 RNA was negative. It cannot be ruled out whether the virus can be detected in a more severe disease case. No semen parameters measured. 8 0
Kayaaslan B (14) August, 2020 Ankara, Turkey 33.5 (18-54) Acute 16 Semen cross-sectional study SARS-CoV-2 was not detected in semen and sexual transmission via semen does not have an important
role in the person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
First, the study was conducted in a relatively limited number of patients and mild to moderate cases. Second, the semen parameters of the patients were not obtained. 1 (0-4) 0
      Mild 11         1 (0-7)
      Moderate 5         1 (0-7)
Holtmann N (15) May, 2020 Dusseldorf, Germany Recovered 18 Semen Pilot cohort study SARS-CoV-2 RNA could not be detected in semen of recovered and acute COVID-19–positive men. A mild COVID-19 infection is not likely to affect testis and epididymis function, whereas semen parameters did seem impaired after a moderate infection. The sample size was relatively small, and there were only 2 patients with COVID-19 active infection; no sperm analysis was obtained from the individuals examined before the pandemic outbreak. 32.7 [8–54]b 0
42.7 ± 10.4a Mild 14 34.9 ± 11.7a
40.8 ± 8.7a Moderate 4 25.5 ± 8.3a
Song C (16) April, 2020 Wuhan, China   13   cross-sectional study 2019-nCov is absent from the semen and testes in men infected by COVID-19 at both acute and recovery phases. Thus, it is highly unlikely that the 2019-nCov can be sexually transmitted by men. Small sample size and single sampling 30 (14-42) 0
      33 (22-38) Recovered 12 Semen       29.8 (14-42)
      67 Deceased 1 Testis       41
Pan F (17) April, 2020 Wuhan, China 37 (18–57) Recovered 34 34 Semen Cross-sectional study SARS-CoV-2 virus was not detected in the semen of recovered patients 1 month after diagnosis. The long-term effect of SARS-CoV-2 on male reproductive function is not clear. Identification of SARS-CoV-2 on qRT-PCR of single ejaculated semen samples. Semen quality was not assessed. 31 [29–36]b 0
Ma L (18) June, 2020 Wuhan, China 31 (25-46) Recovered 12 Semen Cross-sectional,
pilot study
SARS-CoV-2 was undetectable in semen. All the semen samples came from non-severe patients and most of them were in
the recovery stage. The
sample size is limited.
78.5 (56-109) 0
      mild 1        
      moderate 11        
Temiz MZ (19) October, 2020 Istanbul, Turkey 37.2 (20-60) Acute 20 20c Semen A cross-sectional,
pilot study
COVID-19 has no specific deteriorative effect on male reproductive health at a short-time period. The study has limited sample size, short follow-up time and lack of testicular histological examination. 9.5 (2-10) 0
Rawlings SA (20) July, 2020 California, USA 38 (28-45) Acute 6 6 Semen Case series SARS-CoV-2 was not present in semen. The sample size was small, and the semen parameters of the patients were not analyzed. 12 (6-17) 0
Pavone C (21) August, 2020 Palermo, Italy 41.1 (31-60) 9 Semen Sampling study Sexual transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by men recovering from mild symptoms of COVID-19 is highly unlikely. Severe acute COVID-19 cases were not included in the selection criteria of this study 42.2 (7-88) 0
Acute 2 10 (7-13)
Recovered 7 51.4 (34-88)
Ning J (22) April, 2020 Wuhan, China 35 (23-46)   17 Semen Cross-sectional,
pilot study
SARS-CoV-2 was not present in semen. The sample size was small and the retrospective method was used, and the observation and follow-up time of COVID-19 patients was relatively short. 27 (12-64) 0
      38 (23-46) Acute 9         30 (14-64)
      30 (28-45) Recovered 8         18.5 (12-36)
Guo L (23) June, 2020 Jinan, China 41 (20-62) 23 Semen cross-sectional study There was no SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected in semen samples, which indicates the unlikely possibility of sexual transmission through semen at about 1 month after first detection. The sample size was small, no critical cases and no testicular biopsy. The semen parameters of the patients were not analyzed to show the abnormality of semen quality and quantity. 32 (27.5-33) 0
Acute 12 31 (26-34)
Recovered 11 31 (26-34)
Li H (24) October, 2020 Wuhan, China 46.7 (27-83)   29     The male reproductive system could be vulnerable in COVID-19, characterized by spermatogenic dysfunction, a significant decrease in sperm count, and immune reactions in testis and epididymis. The sample size of this study was small, and these COVID-19 patients could not be evaluated prospectively.
      40.8 (27-53) Recovered 23 Semen cross-sectional study     25.8 (4-42) 0
      69.3 (51-83) Deceased 6 Testis Case control     NP 6
Özveri H (25) July, 2020 Istanbul, Turkey 49 Acute 1 Case report COVID-19 patients may show isolated genital symptoms such as testicular/spermatic cord pain and discomfort without other systemic symptoms. Specific data for testicular biopsies and semen samples were not provided. 2 0
1 Testis/Spermatic cord 0
1 Semen 0
Barton LM (26) April, 2020 Oklahoma, USA 59.5 (77-42) Deceased 2 2 Testis Case series One case showed testicular atrophy and the other showed normal testis. Small sample size and semen samples were not provided. 1 NP
Gagliardi L (27) May, 2020 Pisa, Italy 14 Acute 1 1 Testis Case report In COVID-19 children could have testicular involvement, characterized by orchiepididymitis. Specific data for testicular biopsies and semen samples were not provided. 1 NP
Bridwell RE (28) August, 2020 Texas, USA 37 Acute 1 1 Testis Case report Reproductive system complications (orchitis) may be one of the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Specific data for testicular biopsies and semen samples were not provided. 15 NP
Marca AL (29) July, 2020 Modena, Italy 43 Acute 1 1 Testis/Scrotum Case report SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause epididymitis and may have short- and long-term effects on male reproductive system. The testes were only
macroscopically examined and specific data for semen sample was not provided.
1 NP
Duarte-Neto AN (30) May, 2020 S~ao Paulo, Brazil 69(mean) Deceased 2 2 Testis Case series COVID-19 is a systemic disease that can affect the reproductive system, characterized by orchitis. Detailed pathological results of testicular biopsy were not provided. 5 NP
Achua JK (31) November, 2020 Florida, USA 56 (20-87) Deceased 6 6 Testis Case control The histological and ultrastructural features of the testes of one patient showed COVID-19 viral particles. The sample size was small and it was unable to assess the long-term consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on spermatogenesis. 11 (2-36) 1 (16.7)
Caner E (32) October, 2020 Istanbul, Turkey 38 (18-75) NP 91 91 Testis Cross-sectional,
pilot study
Testicular pain was observed in COVID-19 patients, but no inflammatory markers related to predict of testicular pain or epididymal-orchitis were found. Spermiogram and scrotal Doppler ultrasonographic
evaluation could not be done for the patients.
11.8 NP
Chen L (33) October, 2020 Wuhan, China 58.3 (43.0-73.0) NP 142 142 Testis/Scrotum Cross-sectional,
pilot study
SARS-CoV-2 infection might specifically affect the testis, epididymis, or both. Detailed pathological results of testicular biopsy were not provided. 15.4 (7-28) NP
Ma X (34) November, 2020 Wuhan, China 68.8 (51-83) Deceased 5 5 Testis Case control SARS-CoV-2 could infect testicular cells through the spike glycoprotein binding mechanism. The sample size was small, and the pre-death semen samples of the patients were not obtained. 16.2 (5-29) 2 (40)
Yang M (35) May, 2020 Wuhan, China 65 Acute 12 12 Testis Cross-sectional study Testes from COVID-19 patients exhibited significant seminiferous tubular injury, reduced Leydig cells, and mild lymphocytic inflammation. Most of the testis (90%) had no evidence of SARS-CoV-2. The sample size of this study was small, and the cases included were only in the acute stage of COVID-19. 41 (23-75) 1 (8.3)
Alkhatatbeh H (36) July, 2020 Zarqa, Jordan 43 (1-78)   253 Testis Descriptive study This study did not identify any patients with COVID-19 with symptoms or signs of orchitis. This study lacked testicular pathological examination and semen parameter analysis. 15 (9-21) NP
      Asymptomatic 53        
      Mild 152        
      Severe 48        
Ruan Y (37) November, 2020 Wuhan, China 31 (21-49) Recovered 74 70d Semen Cohort
Direct urogenital involvement was not found in the recovered COVID-19 male patients. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was undetectable in the urogenital secretions, and semen quality declined slightly. The sample size was small and the semen parameters were lacking before infection. 80 (64-93) 0
Mild 11 0/70d
Moderate 31
Severe 32
61d EPS No SARS-CoV-2 was expressed in EPS of patients with COVID-19. 0/61d
Quan W (38) March, 2020 Wuhan, Xiangyang, and Shenzhen, China NP   23 EPS Descriptive study No SARS-CoV-2 was expressed in EPS of patients with COVID-19. First, EPS were tested only in mild and common patients, there were no samples of severe patients. Second, no semen samples were obtained. NP 0
      60.3 ± 15.3 Confirmed patients 18        
      45.6 ± 14.7 Suspected patients 5        
Zhang S (39) June, 2020 Wuhan, China 57.5 (29-76) Acute 10 10 EPS Cross-sectional study Negativity of SARS-CoV-2 in EPS and possibly exclude the sexual transmission of COVID-19. The sample size was small and there was no semen sample. 16.4 (3-29) 0

aReported as standard deviation. bReported as Interquartile range (IQR). c3 patients with negative pharyngeal swabs were considered to be diagnosed with COVID-19 in this study. dOnly 70 semen samples and 61 prostate samples were obtained from 74 patients. EPS, expressed prostatic secretion; SARS-CoV-2, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; COVID-19, Coronavirus Disease 2019; NP, Not provided; qRT-PCR, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction.