Table 2.
Preliminary pharmacokinetic (PK) evaluation of compound BE-33 in C57BL/6 micea.
Dose | Route | T1/2 (h) | Tmax (h) | Cmax (ng/mL) | AUClast (h*ng/mL) | AUCINF_obs (h*ng/mL) | CL (mL/min/kg) | MRTINF_obs (h) | Vss_obs (mL/kg) | F (%) |
10 mg/kg | po | 4.45 ± 0.67 | 0.25 ± 0.00 | 497 ± 80 | 2699 ± 791 | 2776 ± 806 | – | 6.67 ± 0.47 | – | 51 |
2.5 mg/kg | iv | 5.67 ± 1.09 | – | – | 1324 ± 330 | 1405 ± 393 | 31.10 ± 7.90 | 7.53 ± 1.90 | 13535 ± 1699 | – |
T1/2 half-life, Tmax time to maximum plasma concentration, Cmax maximum plasma concentration, AUClast area under curve measured until the last data point, AUCINF_obs area under curve from dosing time extrapolated to infinity based on the last observed concentration, CL clearance, MRTINF_obs mean residence time from dosing time extrapolated to infinity, based on the last observed concentration, Vss_obs steady-state volume of distribution based on the last observed concentration, F fraction absorbed (bioavailability).
an = 3 in each dose group.