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. 2021 May 10;14(2):115–126. doi: 10.4103/ijoy.IJOY_134_20

Hot and Normal Temperature Yoga Protocol

Pose name Posture Movement Length of time
Standing deep breathing pose (Pranayama) Standing with hands placed under chin and elbows extended to side Inhalation while raising elbows, exhalation with elbows falling 3-min
Half-moon pose (Ardha Chandrasana) Standing with arms overhead (hands together) Moving hips to right while tilting to the left (then opposite side) 2x each side (hold 15s)
Awkward pose (Utkatasana) Slight squatting position while on toes Lower to comfortable position and then rise 2x (hold 30s)
Sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) A series of poses that move from standing to lunge, to plank, to downward dog From standing, forward bend, move feet back and into a plank position, lower to ground, upward dog, then downward dog, then back to standing Perform 5x
Eagle pose (Garurasana) Standing on one foot with opposite foot curled over top of standing leg. Arms are crossed Slight bend in standing leg, while holding pose 2x with each leg (hold 30s)
Standing head-to knee-pose (Dandayamana-Janushirasana) Standing on one foot with other leg extended in front Hold extended foot while bending forward. Modified version is extending knee only 2x each leg (hold 30s)
Balancing stick pose (Tuladandasana) Standing on one foot Bend forward with arms moving parallel to floor and nonstanding foot extending behind 2x each leg (hold 30s)
Standing bow (Dandayamana-Dhanurasana) While in balancing stick pose Bend back leg and attempt to reach back to hold leg (various modifications to this pose) 1x each leg (30s)
Standing separate leg stretch (Dandayamana-bibhaktapada-paschimotthanasana) Feet spread wider than hip distance Forward bend with grabbing outside of feet 2x (hold 30s)
Triangle pose (Trikanasana) Lunge position with back foot sideways (parallel to back of mat) Left foot forward, extend left hand down to foot while reaching right arm up to ceiling. Slight twist in trunk 1x each side (hold 30-60s)
Standing separate leg-head to knee pose (Dandayamana-bibhaktapada-janushirasana) Standing with one foot about 2.5 feet back from front leg Forward bend over the front leg while keeping back straight 1x with each leg (30-60s)
Tree pose (Vrksasana) Standing on one leg with hands together at chest Bend non standing leg and place against shin or thigh and hold balance 1x each leg (30-60s)
Corpse pose (Savasana) Laying on back with arms at side and feet at mat width Laying still while breathing 3 min
Wind removing pose (Pavanamuktasana) Laying on back Bring right knee to chest and hug knees with arms, then left knee, then both knees 1-2 min total
Seated forward bend pose (Paschimottanasana) Sitting with feet in front Forward bend and grab toes (modifications) 2x (hold 30s)
Cobra pose (Bhujangasana) Laying on stomach with hands under arm pits Push down with hands while raising trunk 2x (hold 30s)
Locust pose (Ardha Shalabhasana) Laying on stomach with arms tucked under chest Raise one leg at a time 2x each leg (hold 15-30s)
Full locust (Salabhasana) Laying on stomach with arms extended at sides Raise feet and arms together 2x (hold 15-30s)
Floor bow pose (Dhanurasana) Laying on stomach arms at side and legs extended Flex legs at knees and reach arms back to grab ankles 2x (hold 15-30 s)
Camel pose (Ustrasana) Kneeling upright Place hands on buttocks or lower back while bending backwards. Some may be able to reach feet 2x hold 15s
Childs pose (Balasana) Kneeling upright Curling head to knees while reaching hands back to feet 2x hold 15s
Head to knee pose (Janu Sirsasana) Sitting upright, one leg extended with other foot placed against inner thigh Reach for extended leg with forward fold 2x each leg (hold 30s)
Spine twist pose (Parivrtta Sukhasana) One leg extended with other crossed over top Twist trunk while placing elbow on other side of crossed leg 1x each side (hold 30s)
Blowing in firm (Kapalbhati Pranayama) Kneeling upright with hands on knees Kneeling all while breathing 2x 15s