Standing deep breathing pose (Pranayama) |
Standing with hands placed under chin and elbows extended to side |
Inhalation while raising elbows, exhalation with elbows falling |
3-min |
Half-moon pose (Ardha Chandrasana) |
Standing with arms overhead (hands together) |
Moving hips to right while tilting to the left (then opposite side) |
2x each side (hold 15s) |
Awkward pose (Utkatasana) |
Slight squatting position while on toes |
Lower to comfortable position and then rise |
2x (hold 30s) |
Sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) |
A series of poses that move from standing to lunge, to plank, to downward dog |
From standing, forward bend, move feet back and into a plank position, lower to ground, upward dog, then downward dog, then back to standing |
Perform 5x |
Eagle pose (Garurasana) |
Standing on one foot with opposite foot curled over top of standing leg. Arms are crossed |
Slight bend in standing leg, while holding pose |
2x with each leg (hold 30s) |
Standing head-to knee-pose (Dandayamana-Janushirasana) |
Standing on one foot with other leg extended in front |
Hold extended foot while bending forward. Modified version is extending knee only |
2x each leg (hold 30s) |
Balancing stick pose (Tuladandasana) |
Standing on one foot |
Bend forward with arms moving parallel to floor and nonstanding foot extending behind |
2x each leg (hold 30s) |
Standing bow (Dandayamana-Dhanurasana) |
While in balancing stick pose |
Bend back leg and attempt to reach back to hold leg (various modifications to this pose) |
1x each leg (30s) |
Standing separate leg stretch (Dandayamana-bibhaktapada-paschimotthanasana) |
Feet spread wider than hip distance |
Forward bend with grabbing outside of feet |
2x (hold 30s) |
Triangle pose (Trikanasana) |
Lunge position with back foot sideways (parallel to back of mat) |
Left foot forward, extend left hand down to foot while reaching right arm up to ceiling. Slight twist in trunk |
1x each side (hold 30-60s) |
Standing separate leg-head to knee pose (Dandayamana-bibhaktapada-janushirasana) |
Standing with one foot about 2.5 feet back from front leg |
Forward bend over the front leg while keeping back straight |
1x with each leg (30-60s) |
Tree pose (Vrksasana) |
Standing on one leg with hands together at chest |
Bend non standing leg and place against shin or thigh and hold balance |
1x each leg (30-60s) |
Corpse pose (Savasana) |
Laying on back with arms at side and feet at mat width |
Laying still while breathing |
3 min |
Wind removing pose (Pavanamuktasana) |
Laying on back |
Bring right knee to chest and hug knees with arms, then left knee, then both knees |
1-2 min total |
Seated forward bend pose (Paschimottanasana) |
Sitting with feet in front |
Forward bend and grab toes (modifications) |
2x (hold 30s) |
Cobra pose (Bhujangasana) |
Laying on stomach with hands under arm pits |
Push down with hands while raising trunk |
2x (hold 30s) |
Locust pose (Ardha Shalabhasana) |
Laying on stomach with arms tucked under chest |
Raise one leg at a time |
2x each leg (hold 15-30s) |
Full locust (Salabhasana) |
Laying on stomach with arms extended at sides |
Raise feet and arms together |
2x (hold 15-30s) |
Floor bow pose (Dhanurasana) |
Laying on stomach arms at side and legs extended |
Flex legs at knees and reach arms back to grab ankles |
2x (hold 15-30 s) |
Camel pose (Ustrasana) |
Kneeling upright |
Place hands on buttocks or lower back while bending backwards. Some may be able to reach feet |
2x hold 15s |
Childs pose (Balasana) |
Kneeling upright |
Curling head to knees while reaching hands back to feet |
2x hold 15s |
Head to knee pose (Janu Sirsasana) |
Sitting upright, one leg extended with other foot placed against inner thigh |
Reach for extended leg with forward fold |
2x each leg (hold 30s) |
Spine twist pose (Parivrtta Sukhasana) |
One leg extended with other crossed over top |
Twist trunk while placing elbow on other side of crossed leg |
1x each side (hold 30s) |
Blowing in firm (Kapalbhati Pranayama) |
Kneeling upright with hands on knees |
Kneeling all while breathing |
2x 15s |