Table 2.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis Model Fit statistics for Original 17-item SPCS-Y and Abbreviated 8-item SPCS-Y among Hispanic Girls
Models | |||
Measures of Fit |
Model 1
Two-Factor 17-item SPCS-Y Model |
Model 2
Abbreviated 8-item Two-Factor SPCS-Y Model |
Model 3
Abbreviated 8-item Higher order Two-Factor SPCS-Y Model |
χ2 | 182.64 | 26.59 | 22.49 |
df | 101 | 22 | 21 |
p-value | .005 | .25 | .37 |
GFI | .95 | .98 | .99 |
AGFI | .94 | .97 | .97 |
CFI | .97 | .97 | .99 |
TLI | .97 | .97 | .99 |
RMSEA | .04 [.036, .08] | .02 [.001, .04] | .01 [.001, .04] |
AIC Model | 286.62 | 82.39 | 85.49 |
AIC Saturated | 306.00 | 90.00 | 90.00 |
BIC | 512.32 | 225.38 | 171.15 |
Note. df=degree of freedom; GFI= Goodness of Fit Index; AGFI = Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index; CFI=comparative fit index; TLI=Tucker-Lewis index; RMSEA= root mean square error of approximation; CI=confidence interval; AIC = Akaike Information Criterion ; BIC = Bayesian Information Criterion.