Figure 6.
(A) TbTRF binds to single stranded UUAGGG repeats directly. EMSA was performed using the recombinant GST-tagged TbTRF2-382 (numbers indicate aa positions) expressed from E.coli (41) and ss(UUAGGG)12 or ss(CCCUAA)12 as the probe. Non-radiolabeled (UUAGGG)12 was added as a competitor. The amount of TbTRF (ng) used is indicated on top of each lane. (B, C) TbTRF associates with TERRA in vivo. Cell lysates were incubated with TbTRF antibody (41) (B) or a rabbit anti-GFP antibody (ThermoFisher) (C). RNA was isolated from the IP products and analyzed by slot blot hybridization with a (CCCTAA)n-containing probe. A representative slot blot is shown at the top. Hybridization with an rRNA probe is used as a negative control in (B). The average enrichment of the RNA-IP product was calculated from three slot blot hybridizations and is shown at the bottom. P values of unpaired t-tests are shown in (B) and (C).