A, B, C. Representative long term records of activity from several experiments from WT C57BL6, mPer2+/Luc, and mPer2Luc/Luc mice, respectively. All animals were entrained to LD12:12 prior release into DD. WT animals (A) show the expected range of periods (<24 h in DD). Homozygous mPer2Luc/Luc mice (C) exhibit long period (>24 h in DD); and heterozygous Per2+/Luc mice (B) exhibit individual variance with patterns ranging between the wild type and mutant characteristics, as well as period instability over time in DD. D. Average periods of the 3 genotypes over the 4–10 days following transition from LD to DD (left) and days 25–35 in DD (right). Cumulative data from several experiments. N/group is shown in parentheses all other comparisons = ns. The region analyzed is indicated by horizontal red lines on the actograms. E. Activity profiles for WT, mPer2+/Luc and mPer2Luc/Luc mice in LD12:12. Dark half of the cycle is indicated by blue rectangles with lights off from 6pm to 6 am. The grand average from 6 animals per genotype was produced from individual averages of the last 10 days in LD prior to transfer to constant conditions as illustrated in A, B, C.