Table 1.
Strategies for Database Search
Database |
Search Strategy (August 2017) |
Results |
PubMed, | (“Orthodontics”[MeSH Terms] OR “Orthodontics"[All Fields] OR “Orthodontic"[All Fields] OR “Orthodontic Brackets”[MeSH Terms] OR “Orthodontic Brackets”[All Fields] OR “Dental Brace”[All Fields] OR “Orthodontic Braces”[All Fields]) AND (“Text Messaging”[MeSH Terms] OR “Text Messaging”[All Fields] OR “Text Messages”[All Fields] OR “SMS”[All Fields] OR “Texting”[All Fields] OR “Reminder Systems”[MeSH Terms] OR “Reminder Systems”[All Fields] OR “Reminder Therapy”[All Fields] OR “telemedicine"[MeSH Terms] OR “telemedicine"[All Fields] OR “mobile” [All Fields] or “Mobile Applications”[MeSH Terms] or “Mobile Applications”[All Fields] or “Cell Phones”[MeSH Terms] OR “Cell Phones”[All Fields] OR “App”[All Fields] OR “communication”[All Fields]) AND (“oral hygiene”[All Fields] OR “oral hygiene”[MeSH Terms] OR “Dental hygiene”[All Fields] OR “Biofilms”[MeSH Terms] or “Biofilms”[All Fields]) | 34 |
Embase, | (‘orthodontics'/exp OR ‘orthodontics' OR ‘orthodontic'/exp OR ‘orthodontic' OR ‘orthodontic brackets'/exp OR ‘orthodontic brackets') AND (‘text messaging'/exp OR ‘text messaging' OR ‘sms' OR ‘texting'/exp OR ‘texting' OR ‘reminder systems'/exp OR ‘reminder systems' OR ‘telemedicine'/exp OR ‘telemedicine' OR ‘mobile' OR ‘cell phones'/exp OR ‘cell phones' OR ‘app' OR ‘communication'/exp OR ‘communication') AND (‘oral hygiene'/exp OR ‘oral hygiene' OR ‘dental hygiene'/exp OR ‘dental hygiene' OR ‘biofilms'/exp OR ‘biofilms') | 68 |
Cochrane Library, | (“Orthodontics” OR “Orthodontic” OR “Orthodontic Brackets”) AND (“Text Messaging” OR “SMS” OR “Texting” OR “Reminder Systems” OR “telemedicine” OR “mobile” OR “Cell Phones” OR “App” OR “communication”) AND (“oral hygiene” OR “Dental hygiene” OR “Biofilms”) | 8 |
Scopus, | (“Orthodontics” OR “Orthodontic” OR “Orthodontic Brackets”) AND (“Text Messaging” OR “SMS” OR “Reminder Systems” OR “telemedicine” OR “mobile” OR “Cell Phones” OR “App” OR “communication”) AND (“oral hygiene” OR “Dental hygiene” OR “Biofilms”) | 34 |
LILACS, | (Orthodontics AND text messaging) AND (instance:“regional”) AND ( db:(“LILACS”)) | 0 |
(Orthodontics AND Biofilms) AND (instance:“regional”) AND ( db:(“LILACS”)) | 6 | |
(Orthodontics AND Mobile) AND (instance:“regional”) AND ( db:(“LILACS”)) | 4 | |
(Mobile AND Oral Hygiene) AND (instance:“regional”) AND ( db:(“LILACS”)) | 9 | |
(Orthodontics AND App) AND (instance:“regional”) AND ( db:(“LILACS”)) | 4 | |
(Orthodontics AND Reminder) AND (instance:“regional”) AND ( db:(“LILACS”)) | 0 | |
(Ortodontia AND Biofilme) AND (instance:“regional”) AND ( db:(“LILACS”)) | 40 | |
SciELO, | Orthodontics AND Text Messaging | 0 |
Orthodontics AND Biofilms | 3 | |
Orthodontics AND Mobile | 1 | |
Mobile AND Oral Hygiene | 2 | |
Orthodontics AND App | 0 | |
Orthodontics AND Reminder | 0 | |
Ortodontia AND Biofilme | 3 | |
LIVIVO, | (“Orthodontics” OR “Orthodontic” OR “Orthodontic Brackets”) AND (“Text Messaging” OR “SMS” OR “Texting” OR “Reminder Systems” OR “telemedicine” OR “mobile” OR “Cell Phones” OR “App” OR “communication”) AND (“oral hygiene” OR “Dental hygiene” OR “Biofilms”) | 103 |
Web of Science, | ((“Orthodontics” OR “Orthodontic” OR “Orthodontic Brackets”) AND (“Text Messaging” OR “SMS” OR “Texting” OR “Reminder Systems” OR “telemedicine” OR “mobile” OR “Cell Phones” OR “App” OR “communication”) AND (“oral hygiene” OR “Dental hygiene” OR “Biofilms”)) | 13 |
OpenGrey, | (“Orthodontics” OR “Orthodontic”) AND (“Text Messaging” or “Texting” or “Reminder Systems” OR “mobile” OR “Cell Phones” OR “App” OR “communication”) | 3 |
OpenThesis, | (“Orthodontics” OR “Orthodontic”) AND (“Text Messaging” or “app”) and (“oral hygiene”) | 6 |
Total | 341 |
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