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. 2021 Jun 10;16(6):e0252934. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252934

Table 2. Sl-Disaster Nursing Core Competencies Scale (n = 118)–descriptive statistics.

Items Min Max Mean SD
        Subscale 1 “Nurses’ core competencies in disaster management”
A nurse should be able to
    demonstrate an ability to follow and work within an incident management system. 1 7 5.98 1.177
    identify potential threats with medical implications in response areas. 2 7 5.76 1.243
    provide defensible solutions to a series of ethical dilemmas arising in disaster. 1 7 5.60 1.289
    understand the purpose of disaster plan. 1 7 6.14 1.124
    describing the principles of crisis communication in crisis intervention and risk management. 1 7 5.82 1.264
    maintain knowledge in areas relevant to disaster and disaster nursing. 1 7 6.12 1.262
    describe nurses roles in various disaster assignments (e.g. shelters, emergency care sites). 2 7 5.62 1.251
    participate in planning to meet health care needs in a disaster. 2 7 6.00 1.094
    recognise the disaster plan in the workplace and ones role in the workplace at the time of a disaster. 1 7 6.19 .972
    describe strategies for allocating scarce resources in an ethical manner to optimise population outcomes during triage and treatment. 2 7 5.40 1.300
    list the appropriate steps for requesting psychological first aid for responders, patients, and other victims. 1 7 5.45 1.270
    understand how to prioritise care and manage multiple situations. 2 7 6.14 .981
    manage the resources and supplies required to provide care in the community. 1 7 5.31 1.417
    identify vulnerable populations and coordinating activities to reduce risk. 3 7 6.11 .908
    participate in creating new guidelines for nursing practice in disaster. 2 7 5.86 1.276
    describe the phases of the disaster management continuum: prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery/rehabilitation. 2 7 5.62 1.116
    provide up-to-date information to the disaster response team regarding health care issues and resource needs. 1 7 5.74 1.143
    develop and maintain a personal and family preparedness plan. 1 7 5.70 1.200
    understand the component of disaster plan. 1 7 6.01 1.195
    use recordkeeping processes to ensure continuity of patient information. 2 7 5.78 1.118
    list and apply principles for managing patients with the most common victims presentations, e.g., environmental illnesses; burns; blast and crush injuries; nuclear, biologic and chemical 1 7 5.95 1.246
    facilitate and perform patient transport effectively and safely during a disaster. 1 7 6.14 1.127
    participate in drills in the workplace and community. 1 7 6.05 1.305
    participate in processes of securing adequate personal, supplies, equipment, and space for patient care (surge capacity). 1 7 5.77 1.355
    identify and communicate important information immediately to appropriate authorities. 1 7 6.11 1.028
    understand relevant disaster terminology. 3 7 6.05 .895
    prioritise patients to maximise survivability. 3 7 6.22 .853
        Subscale 2 “Barriers to developing core competencies”
Lack of training programs in the workplace. 2 7 6.06 1.172
Ineffective training opportunities. 1 7 6.02 1.281
Lack of formal educational resources. 1 7 6.00 1.169
Lack of health organisation support. 2 7 5.88 1.347
Lack of expert staff in disaster nursing. 2 7 6.25 1.141
Lack of evaluation instruments. 1 7 5.94 1.270
Restriction of nurses roles in disaster management. 1 7 5.86 1.432
Lack of research studies on disaster nursing. 2 7 6.04 1.243
        Subscale 3 “Nurses’ roles and responsibility in disaster management”
I participate in education and training activities for health care providers that relate to disaster management. 1 7 3.00 2.172
I have a role in identifying the education and training needs of nurses with regard to disaster management. 1 7 3.02 2.034
I am authorised to activate a local disaster plan. 1 7 2.62 1.974
I participate in developing disaster plans and policy in my hospital. 1 7 3.23 2.213