Figure 6. Identification of EpCAMlo cells in primary colorectal tumors.
(A) Expression of the CMS4_RF signature in the scRNAseq data from Lee et al. (N = 91,103 cells) indicates high association to the stromal cells. (B) Expression of the CMS4_RF signature in the bulk RNAseq data from Guinney et al. (N = 3232 tumors) shows association to CMS4 tumors. Tumors were grouped in three equal groups according to their association with the CMS4_RF signature. (C) Kaplan–Meier plot of the three CMS4_RF groups shows significant differences in relapse-free survival. (D) Expression of the CMS4_TC signature in the scRNAseq data reveals high association to the tumor epithelial cells. (E) Expression of the CMS4_TC signature in the bulk RNAseq data shows association to CMS1 and CMS4 tumors. Tumors were grouped in three equal groups according to their association with the CMS4_TC signature. (F) Kaplan–Meier plot of the three CMS4_TC groups shows significant differences in relapse-free survival. (G) Expression of the CMS4_TC signature in the fraction of epithelial cells (N = 24,707 cells). Cells from CMS1 and CMS4 tumors show the highest association to the CMS4_TC signature and were annotated as mes-like. (H) Violin plots of normal, tumor, and mes-like tumor cells showing expression patterns across different genes.