Overview of the
Jacobs et al., 2019 demographic model (
A), featuring two pulses of Denisovan gene flow into Papuans, which we implemented as the
PapuansOutOfAfrica_10J19 model in stdpopsim. The same model is shown in (
B), zoomed in to more clearly show the many events occurring between generations 800–2300. Each population is depicted as a tube, where the tube’s width is proportional to the population’s size at any given time. Horizontal lines with arrows indicate either an ancestor/descendant relation (thick solid lines, open arrow heads), an admixture pulse (dashed lines, closed arrow heads), or a period of continuous migration (thin solid lines, closed arrow heads). The time of continuous migration lines were drawn randomly from the time interval over which the migrations occur. DenA and NeaA are the sampled populations corresponding to Altai Denisovan and Altai Neanderthal, while Den1, Den2, and Nea1 correspond to introgressing lineages. A Demes-format YAML file for each demographic model is available from the genomatnn git repository.