Figure 2. Summary of genomic outcomes after the division of 18 micronucleated cells.
(a) Left, summary table. Reincorporation of the MN DNA was inferred from the absence of detectable extranuclear GFP-H2B signal in either granddaughter. Bridges were inferred from the DNA sequence analysis. Replication of the MN or copy-number neutral LOH was inferred from haplotype-resolved DNA copy number. Fragmentation is evident from reciprocal changes in the DNA copy number along the chromosome arm when comparing the two granddaughters. Multiple classes of genomic events can occur in a single sample, highlighted by sample 2.5 in magenta text. Right, schematic summary of each of the 18 granddaughter cell pairs. Number to the left of the schematics is an ID: first number is the targeted chromosome; second number is a sample identifier for that chromosome. These experiments were performed using inducible Cas9 (chr5q and chr6q gRNAs) and RNP (chr2p gRNA).