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. 2021 Jun 11;34(3):654–662. doi: 10.1007/s42535-021-00229-7

Table 2.

List of wild medicinal plants and their traditional uses

References / Species (Voucher specimen no) Local name (Part used) Method of use Recommended uses (FL%) UV References representing similar uses
Asteraceae (0.36)
 Anvillea garcinii subsp. radiata (Coss. & Durieu) Anderb. (LABSAP-6) Nogd (Ap) Mac, Pdr Eye irritations, gastric pain, diabetes, allergy 0.29 (Hammiche and Maiza 2006; Kefifa et al. 2018; Hamza et al. 2019; Miara et al. 2019b)
 Artemisia arborescens (Vaill.) L. (LABSAP-7) Chehiba (Ap, R) Inf٫ Dec Toothache, gingivitis, depurative, gas 0.29 (Tuttolomondo et al. 2014)
 Artemisia campestris L. (LABSAP-8) Allel (Ap) Inf, Dec, Pdr Menstrual cycle problems, hypertension, brucellosis, diabetes 0.69 (Hammiche and Maiza 2006; Boudjelal et al. 2013)
 Artemisia herba-alba Asso. (LABSAP-9) Chih (Ap) Inf, Dec٫ Mac Gastric disorders, liver problems, wormer, muscle spasm, hypertension, COVID-19 0.76 (Eddouks et al. 2002; Boudjelal et al. 2013; Ouelbani et al. 2016; Kharchoufa et al. 2018)
Artemisia atlantica Coss. (LABSAP-10) Chouihiya (Ap, R) Inf Intestinal worms, diarrhea, diabetes, anorexia 0.15 (Fakchich and Elachouri 2021)
 Atractylis caespitosa Desf. (LABSAP-11) Kanouda (Ap,R) Inf, Dec٫ Mac Hepatitis, gas, constipation, obesity, rheumatism, tranquilizer 0.61 No data
 Brocchia cinerea (Delile) Vis. (LABSAP-70) Gartoufa (Ap) Dec, Mac, Pdr Asthma, allergy, inflammation, hypertension, eczema 0.73 (Abouri et al. 2012; Kefifa et al. 2018)
 Echinops bovei Boiss. (LABSAP-12) Tassekra (R) Inf, Dec Digestive disorders, incomplete abortion 0.13 (Hammiche and Maiza 2006; Miara et al. 2013)
 Otoglyphis pubescens (Desf.) Pomel. (LABSAP-13) Ouazouaza (Ap) Mac, Pdr Menstrual cycle problems, cough, otitis, tonsillitis 0.23 (Hammiche and Maiza 2006)
 Rhanterium adpressum Coss. & Durieu.(LABSAP-14) Arfej (L) Inf‏٫‏ Dec Antidiuretic, bladder disorders, cyst 0.14 No data
 Santolina rosmarinifolia L. (LABSAP-15) Jaàda (Ap) Mac, Pdr Gastric pain (56.25 %), ulcer, wound 0.25 (Boudjelal et al. 2013; Miara et al. 2019a)
 Warionia saharae Benth. & Coss. (LABSAP-16) Kebbar miise (L, R) Inf‏٫‏ Dec, Pdr Brucellosis, cardiac problems, rheumatism 0.15 (Abouri et al. 2012; Kharchoufa et al. 2018)
Cupressaceae (0.45)
 Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus.(LABSAP-34) Taga (Ap) Inf, Dec, Mac Ulcer, kidney problems, bladder disorders, respiratory complications, asthma 0.15 (Ouelbani et al. 2016; Miara et al. 2019a)
 Juniperus phoenicea L. subsp. phoenicea. (LABSAP-35) Araàr (L) Inf٫ Dec, Pdr Ulcer, diarrhea, gas, eczema, wound, burns, inflammation, food poisonings 0.75 (Boudjelal et al. 2013; Benarba 2016; Bouasla and Bouasla 2017; Miara et al. 2018, 2019a)
Ephedraceae (0.56)
 Ephedra alata subsp. alenda (Stapf) Trab.(LABSAP-37) Alenda (Ap) Dec Cancer (100 %), goiter 0.56 (Miara et al. 2019c)
Lamiaceae (0.35)
 Ajuga iva (L.) Schreb. (LABSAP-44) Chendgoura (Ap) Inf, Dec Hypertension, diabetes, goiter, intestinal worms 0.33 (Boudjelal et al. 2013; Miara et al. 2013, 2019a; Benarba et al. 2015; Benarba 2016)
 Ballota hirsuta Benth. (LABSAP-45) Meroukt (Ap) Cat Migraine (57.14 %), headache, rheumatism 0.13 No data
 Maropsis deserti (de Noé) Pomel. (LABSAP-46) Garne el kabche (Ap) Inf, Dec, Pdr kidney problems, bladder disorders, diuretic, snakebite and scorpion stings, menstrual cycle problems 0.15 (Ould el-Hadj et al. 2003; Abouri et al. 2012)
 Marrubium vulgare L. (LABSAP-47) Merioua (Ap, R) Inf, Dec, Cat Rheumatism (53.33 %), low back pain, infertility, menstrual cycle problems, cough, toothache 0.33 (Miara et al. 2013; Benarba 2016; Ouelbani et al. 2016; Hamza et al. 2019)
 Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. (LABSAP-48) Timersît (Ap) Inf, Dec, Pdr Gas, diarrhea, allergy, bronchitis, fever 0.17 (Lahsissene and Kahouadji 2010; Jamila and Mostafa 2014)
 Mentha pulegium L. (LABSAP-49) Flîyo (Ap) Inf, Dec Gastric pain, diabetes, cough, hypertension 0.15 (Bouasla and Bouasla 2017; Eddouks et al. 2017; Kharchoufa et al. 2018)
 Nepeta nepetella subsp. amethystina (Poir.) Briq. (LABSAP-50) Napta (Ap) Inf٫ Dec Gas (52.94 %), digestive disorders, diuretic, diaphoretic, muscle spasm 0.33 No data
 Rosmarinus officinalis L. (LABSAP-51) Azir eljabel (Ap) Inf, Dec, Pdr Cough, influenza, cold, rheumatism, muscle spasm, cholelithiasis, cholagogue, fever 0.80 (Benarba 2016; Bouasla and Bouasla 2017; Eddouks et al. 2017; Kharchoufa et al. 2018)
 Saccocalyx satureioides Coss. & Durieu. (LABSAP-52) Azir ermal (Ap) Inf٫ Dec٫ Pdr Hypertension, cardiac problems, diabetes, gastritis, hyperglycemia 0.57 (Benarba et al. 2015; Hamza et al. 2019)
 Teucrium polium L. (LABSAP-53) Jaàda (Ap) Dec, Mac, Pdr Digestive disorders (60 %), hypertension, diabetes 0.17 (Benarba 2016; Bouasla and Bouasla 2017; Kharchoufa et al. 2018; Miara et al. 2019a)
 Thymus algeriensis Boiss. & Reut. (LABSAP-54) Zaàtar (Ap) Inf, Dec, Pdr Cold, hypercholesterolemia, inflammation, menstrual cycle problems, COVID-19 0.68 No data
 Thymus munbyanus subsp. ciliatus (Desf.) Greuter & Burdet. (LABSAP-55) Djertil (Ap, R) Inf, Dec Cough, cold, influenza, inflammation, diabetes 0.46 (Boudjelal et al. 2013; Miara et al. 2013, 2018)

Inf infusion, Dec decoction, cat   cataplasm, Mac  maceration, Pwd powder, Ap aerial part, L leaves, R root