Fig. 3. Aberrant temporal dynamics of motor circuit in children with ASD.
a Children with ASD and TD children showed two states. Color codes distinct states in each participant. States 1 and 2 in children with ASD are represented by dark orange and dark cyan, respectively; states 1 and 2 in TD children are represented by moderate violet and bright blue, respectively. b Motor NII (MNII) of dynamic brain states showed intermittently increased cross-network interaction in children with ASD compared to TD children. c The temporal mean of dynamic cross-network interaction in the motor circuit, assessed using mean of dynamic MNIIs across states, was significantly higher in children with ASD, compared to TD children. The temporal variability of dynamic cross-network interaction in the motor circuit, assessed using standard deviation of dynamic MNIIs across states, did not differ between children with ASD and TD children. Two-sided two sample t-tests were used to compare mean and temporal variability of MNIIs between children with ASD and TD children. Error bar shows standard error of mean. *p < 0.05.