Figure 2.
MicroRNA profiling of serum EVs obtained from the patients with gallbladder cancer and benign gallbladder disease, and healthy controls. (a) Serum EVs eluted in fraction #4 are observed as particles of 40–150 nm in size by transmission electron microscopy in all groups (× 25,000). Representative images of each group are presented. Scale bars represent 100 nm. GBC, gallbladder cancer; Benign, benign gallbladder disease; HCs, healthy controls. (b) The median size of isolated EVs measured by Zetasizer was 72 nm (range: 40–150). A representative image is shown. (c) The median protein concentration in #4 fraction was 46.6 μg/ml (IQR: 12.3–73.6) in the GBC (N = 50), and was 33.7 μg/ml (IQR: 19.4–71.0) in the Benign and the HCs (N = 69) (not significant). (d) The numbers of detected miRNAs in serum EVs isolated from the GBC and the combination of the Benign and the HCs is shown in a Venn diagram. (e) The fold change in the expression of each common 1240 miRNA in serum EVs in the GBC relative to the Benign and the HCs. (f) Thirty-nine miRNAs in serum EVs in the GBC showed a > twofold change relative to the Benign and the HCs.