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. 2021 May 28;12:642713. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.642713


Joint music-making behavior before and during lockdown: online real-time methods.

4a. Playing occurrence

Yes No
Before 11 (5%) 221 (95%)
During 40 (17%) 194 (83%)

Playing frequency

>Once a week Once a week Once every 2 weeks Once a month <Once a month

Before 0 (0%) 1 (<1%) 0 (0%) 4 (2%) 6 (3%)
During 9 (4%) 14 (6%) 6 (3%) 5 (2%) 6 (3%)

4b. Interaction effects of playing occurrence and frequency during lockdown

Playing occurrence Playing frequency
Variables Using Wilcoxon (W) Using Kruskal-Wallis (H)

Household type 3711.5 (p = 0.654) 4.708 (p = 0.319)
Employment situation 3272.5 (p = 0.097) 2.425 (p = 0.489)
Music as main income 4090 (p = 0.432) 7.498 (p = 0.006)*
Using Spearman (rs)

Technical difficulty 3894 (p = 0.930) 0.179 (p = 0.268)
Technical competence 4095 (p = 0.575) −0.001 (p = 0.993)
Social competence 4103.5 (p = 0.558) −0.051 (p = 0.755)

(4a) Playing occurrence indicates whether respondents played music with others using online real-time methods (Yes) or not (No) before and during lockdown. Playing frequency indicates how often respondents played. (4b) Summarized results of Wilcoxon rank sum and Kruskal-Wallis tests on variables with possible influence on musical behavior are provided, as well as results of Spearman correlation tests on experienced technical difficulty, self-assessed technical and social competence (*significant effect).