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. 2021 Jun 11;13:63. doi: 10.1186/s13098-021-00681-0

Table 3.

Predictors of diabetes distress, diabetes burnout and depressive symptoms

Effecta,b P-Value OR CI95%
Diabetes distress (dependent variable: T1DDS scale)
 Difficulties to pay for very basic items 0.0182 1.633* 1.078–2.473
 Difficulties accessing diabetes care 0.0032 1.583* 1.116–2.245
 Diabetes hospitalization or emergency department visit 0.0004 3.008* 1.546–5.856
 Not following COVID-19 precaution recommendations 0.0005 5.618* 2.145–14.706
 Agec < 0.0001 1.031* 1.013–1.048
 HbA1c < 0.0001 1.285* 1.129–1.461
 TiRc 0.0002 1.016* 1.008–1.025
Depressive symptoms (dependent variable: PHQ-8 scale)
 Difficulties accessing healthy food 0.0190 1.395** 1.052–1.850
 Diabetes self-care benn affected by pandemic < 0.0001 1.704** 1.278–2.271
 Avoiding approaching diabetes facilities due to fear 0.0458 1.335** 1.005–1.774
 Agec < 0.0001 1.025** 1.011–1.040
 HbA1c < 0.0001 1.267** 1.122–1.431
 TiRc 0.0002 1.013** 1.006–1.020
 Gender (ref = male) 0.0008 1.835** 1.266–2.660
 Marital status (ref = married) 0.0145 1.473** 1.095–1.976
 Education (ref = graduate)
 High school 0.0756 1.395** 0.912–2.133
 Associate 0.0008 2.738** 1.586–4.726
 Bachelor 0.2035 1.149** 0.825–1.600
 Effecta,b Beta (CI 95%) p-value r-partial r-model
Diabetes burnout (dependent variable: diabetes burnout scale)
 Difficulties accessing healthy food 0.079 (0.009; 0.149) 0.0280 0.0028 0.3839
 Difficulties accessing diabetes care 0.084 (0.010; 0.158) 0.0268 0.0045 0.3772
 Diabetes self-care benn affected by pandemic 0.107 (0.033; 0.181) 0.0048 0.0090 0.3727
 Avoiding approaching diabetes facilities due to fear 0.078 (0.007; 0.148) 0.0321 0.0024 0.3863
 Agec − 0.008 (− 0.011; − 0.005)  < 0.0001 0.0264 0.3637
 HbA1c 0.130 (0.101; 0.159)  < 0.0001 0.0476 0.3372
 TiRc − 0.011 (− 0.012; − 0.009)  < 0.0001 0.1911 0.2896
 Gender (ref = male) 0.107 (0.022; 0.191) 0.0133 0.0039 0.3811

aControlled analysis by the participant's country of origin and the questions in the COVID questionnaire referring to the moment before the start of the pandemic

bVariables tested in the model: sociodemographic characteristics, TIR, HbA1C and COVID questionnaire referring to the current moment of the pandemic

cVariables inversely associated

*Odds ratio for high distress (reference level: no/little/moderate)

**Odds ratio for moderate severe and severe depressive symptoms (reference level: no/mild)