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. 2015 May 21;2:85–92. doi: 10.1016/j.meteno.2015.04.001

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Production envelopes for anaerobic succinate production from glucose based on the E. coli core model (Orth et al., 2009) for a maximum glucose uptake rate of 10 mmol/gDW/h (a–c) and the respective EM yield distribution for each solution space (d–f): (a) wild-type strain (light gray) vs. triple-deletion mutant (ACKr, ATPS4r, FUM) resulting in a design without growth-coupling (purple); (b) wild-type strain vs. triple-deletion mutant (ACALD, PYK, ME2) resulting in a partially growth-coupled design; (c) wild-type strain vs. double-deletion mutant (ACALD, LDH_D) resulting in a fully growth-coupled design; (d–f) EM distribution of the wild-type (light gray) and the respective mutant strains in (a–c) (purple). The EM yield locations correspond to vertices in the flux solution space at the maximal glucose uptake rate. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this paper.)