Figure 2.
Effect of fermented or enzymatically fermented dried olive pomace on the expression of pancreatic alpha 2A amylase [(A); AMY2A], lipase [(B); PNLIP], and cholecystokinin [(C); CCK]. FOPI7.5%, 7.5% fermented olive pomace; FOPI15%, 15% fermented olive pomace; FOPI30%, 30% fermented olive pomace; FOPII7.5%, 7.5% olive pomace subjected to microbial and enzymatic fermentation; FOPII15%, 15% olive pomace subjected to microbial and enzymatic fermentation; FOPII30%, 30% olive pomace subjected to microbial and enzymatic fermentation. Means within the same column carrying different superscripts (a−d) are significantly different at p < 0.05.