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. 2021 Mar 19;42(10):3077–3087. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25417


One‐way ANOVA to show significant BOLD connectivity differences between all three groups with the Amygdala as Seed Region

Brain region Peak MNI co‐ordinates X, Y, Z mm k Z p (FWE) Mean parameter estimates (SD) Direction of significance from post hoc t‐tests (effect size, Cohen's d)
Happy linear contrast

Bilateral anterior and middle cingulate cortices

Bilateral superior frontal gyri

Bilateral middle frontal gyri

Bilateral medial frontal gyri

Bilateral inferior frontal gyri

Right precentral gyrus

28, 32, 32 3,298 5.07 <.001

AAN 0.00


WR 0.12


HC −0.06


WR > AAN (0.42)



Left middle frontal gyrus

Left inferior frontal gyrus

Left precentral gyrus

−44, 0, 40 398 4.33 .006

AAN −0.02


WR 0.1


HC −0.05


WR > AAN (0.43)

WR > HC (0.43)

Note: Uncorrected cluster forming threshold p value <.001 with correction for multi comparisons by cluster extent.

Abbreviations: AAN, acute anorexia nervosa participants; FWE, family wise error; HC, healthy controls; k, cluster extent; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; WR, weight‐restored anorexia nervosa participants.