Figure 2.
Targeting DNA nanotiles to PLB-anchored ssDNA initiators. (a) 5′Chol-ssDNA initiators were anchored onto the PLB via hydrophobic interaction and used to recruit either 5′FAM-ssDNA-comp oligos or DNA nanotiles bearing ssDNA-comp overhangs. (b, c) Detection of the recruited 5′FAM-ssDNA-comp oligos and DNA nanotiles was performed via fluorescence imaging of FAM and biotin staining (b) and fluorescence quantification using a spectrometer (c). (d) Diagram of inserting DNA duplex bridges of 40 and 80 bp’s between the DNA nanotile and each ssDNA-comp overhang. (e, f) Biotin-based imaging (e) and fluorescence quantification (f) of DNA nanotile recruitment to PLB-anchored ssDNA initiators in the presence or absence of the bridges. Data represent means ± s.d. from three independent replicates. **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.001.