Investigation of 13 representative 14-3-3/peptide
reveals selective stabilization of the 14-3-3/Pin1_72 complex by 28. (A) Radar plot of the SFs determined by FA protein titrations
in the presence of 100 μM fragment. Fragment 28 shows preferential binding for the Pin1_72/14-3-3γ comparable
to the effect of FCA on the ERα/14-3-3γ interaction. Right:
close-up. (B) SF values determined with 14-3-3γ titrations in
the presence of 100 μM 13, 27, or 28 in FA assays (n = 2). (C) Overlay of the
binding pose of 13, 27, and 28 (line representation) with the AS160 binding epitope (violet sticks;
PDB code 7NIX). (D) Structural overlay of the known 14-3-3 binding epitopes used
in this study. (E) Overlay of crystal structures of 13 (orange sticks, 2Fo – Fc map at 1σ as blue mesh) binding to the
p65_45 (violet sticks, carton)/14-3-3γ complex (PDB code 7NQP) and the CFTR (cyan
sticks, cartoon)/14-3-3 complex (PDB code 5D3F, FC-A hidden for clarity). Hydrophobic
contacts between 13 and Ile+1 of p65 and Val+1 of CFTR
are indicated by transparent spheres. (F) Cooperative analysis of
ternary complex formation using 28 with Pin1 and p65
peptides shows that stabilization of the ternary complex is driven
by the unique environment created by the partner peptide binding.