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. 2021 May 28;12:668856. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.668856

Table 2.

Resting state functional connectivity networks.

Brain network and label Abbreviation MNI Coordinates t
Salience network SN
Left insula INS.L −30 21 −6 16.10
Right insula INS.R 30 −15 −18 15.66
Anterior cingulum ACG.L −5 33 30 15.26
Post default modal network pDMN
Left inferior parietal IPL.L −51 −42 42 9.48
Right inferior parietal IPL.R 48 −51 39 6.45
Post cingulum PCG.L −6 −45 30 20.79
Right precuneus PCUN.R 9 −57 27 23.50
Anterior default modal network aDMN
Anterior cingulum ACG.L −6 42 −3 12.16
Left medial prefrontal cortex SFGmed.L −5 57 6 16.59
Right medial prefrontal cortex SFGmed.R 3 57 18 18.32
Executive control network ECN
Left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex MFG.L −48 21 33 16.12
Right dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex MFG.R 48 21 33 19.03
Medial prefrontal cortex SFGmed.R 3 36 39 10.63
Left post parietal cortex IPL.L −27 −57 39 9.42
Right post parietal cortex IPL.R 30 −54 45 6.91
Dorsal attention network DAN
Left intraparietal sulcus SPG.L −24 −72 51 18.88
Right intraparietal sulcus SPG.R 24 −66 51 17.73
Left frontal eye field SFG.L −21 −6 57 9.04
Right frontal eye field SFG.R 27 0 57 9.05
Ventral attention network VAN
Left temporoparietal junction SMG.L −54 −33 27 11.72
Right temporoparietal junction SMG.R 60 −21 24 15.53
Ventral frontal cortex ORBsupmed.L −45 21 −9 8.27
Auditory network AN
Left superior temporal STG.L −60 −33 9 14.81
Right superior temporal STG.R 57 −24 −3 18.14
Medial somatomotor network mSMN
Left support motor area SMA.L −3 −12 63 13.39
Right support motor area SMA.R 6 −6 48 15.56
Left paracentral lobule PCL.L −6 −36 54 16.04
Right paracentral lobule PCL.R 9 −36 54 15.33
Lateral somatomotor network lSMN
Left precentral gyrus PreCG.L −42 −27 51 16.37
Right precentral gyrus PreCG.R 48 −18 45 17.65
Left postcentral gyrus ProCG.L −51 −9 30 15.73
Right postcentral gyrus ProCG.R 60 0 24 17.87
Left Rolandic operculum ROL.L −39 −30 15 21.32
Right Rolandic operculum ROL.R 48 −21 15 13.32
Visual network VN
Left lingual LING.L −15 −90 −9 17.11
Right lingual LING.R 21 −87 −3 16.46
Left calcarine CAL.L −21 −90 −6 15.67
Right calcarine CAL.R 21 −87 6 14.82

MNI coordinates and peak connectivity t value for the 38 seed regions extracted from the 10 networks of interest and labels and abbreviations based on the AAL template in MNI space. Ten RSNs were belonged to the following three types of intrinsic functional connectivity pattern: (1) task-positive RSNs (ECN, DAN and VAN); (2) intrinsic RSNs (DMN, SAN); (3) sensory RSNs (SMN, AN and VN). The DMN was subdivided into the anterior DMN (aDMN) and the posterior DMN (pDMN) in our outcomes. And SMN was divided into the medial SMN (mSMN) and the lateral SMN (lSMN).