Pro-inflammatory cytokine production and propagation in the CE-OOC co-culture systems. Luminex assay measured the baseline media concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8 from ectocervical (outer chamber) A, and endocervical epithelial cell media (inner chamber) B, For IL-6, ectocervical epithelial cells: 58.98 ± 18.21 pg/mL and endocervical epithelial cells: 470.6 ± 173.2 pg/mL. For IL-8, ectocervical epithelial cells: 556.1 ± 246 pg/mL and endocervical epithelial cells: 9515 ± 2048 pg/mL. C-D, IL-6 levels from ectocervical (C) and endocervical epithelial cell media (D) under control (untreated), LPS, and TNFα treatments. E-F, IL-8 levels from ectocervical (outer chamber) (E) and endocervical epithelial cell media (inner chamber) (F) under control (untreated), LPS, and TNFα treatment. G, Graphical summary of inflammatory cytokine production in the CE-OOC culture systems. The treatment of both chambers with TNFα promoted inflammation in both cervical epithelial cells, as supported by increased IL-6 and IL-8 production. Treatment in only one chamber also induced increased IL-8 production in the adjacent chamber indicating the propagation of inflammatory mediators in the CE-OOC. n = 5 biological replicates. The IL-6 and IL-8 levels were considered to be increased (↑) if there was a twofold change from the baseline (control/control) IL-6 and IL-8 levels. Otherwise, the result was classified as no change from baseline. *P < .05