The effect of AMI (3 μM) on light-induced optical IPSC (oIPSC) amplitude in BF neurons of young and aged VGAT mice in the reduced synaptic preparation. (A,B) Superimposed (50 traces) whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings (Vh = –60 mV) of evoked oIPSCs from a young (A) and an aged (B) BF neuron in control (left) and 3 μM AMI (right). The evoking stimulus was a 5 ms pulse of 470 nm light at constant intensity (blue arrow). The black trace represents the mean oIPSC and failures were not included in the calculation. (C) Scatter plots with mean data ± SEM of oIPSC amplitude (left panel, control: 109.3 ± 19.05 pA, 3 μM AMI: 65.85 ± 14.75 pA, paired t-test, *p < 0.05) and normalized fold change of oIPSC amplitude (3 μM AMI: 0.63 ± 0.15, paired t-test, *p < 0.05) show that AMI significantly decreases the amplitude of light-induced oIPSCs in young BF neurons compared to control. (D) Scatter plots with mean ± SEM of oIPSC amplitude (left panel, control: 136 ± 37.88 pA, 3 μM AMI: 73.8 ± 25.83 pA, paired t-test, *p < 0.05) and normalized fold change of oIPSC amplitude (3 μM AMI: 0.50 ± 0.11, paired t-test, *p < 0.05) show that AMI significantly decreases the amplitude of light-induced oIPSCs in aged BF neurons. N = 5 young and N = 4 aged mice.