Extended Data Fig. 1: Characterization of the metastasis in the lung tissues of B16F1 and B16F10 tumor bearing mice.
a. The primary tumor growth in WT mice s.c injected with 1*105 B16F1 or B16F10 tumor cells prior to surgery at equivalent tumor size (~200 mm2). Data shown as mean±SEM (n=7 mice per group). Repeated-measure two-way ANOVA and Sidak’s multiple comparisons test were performed. b. A representative lung images and the corresponding H&E stained lung sections in the B16F1 and B16F10 tumor bearing mice after surgery. Scale bar: 1 mm. This experiment was repeated three times independently with similar results. c. Quantification of the number of metastatic lesions and total area in the lung tissues from B16F1 and B16F10 tumor bearing mice after surgery as shown in b. Data shown as mean±SEM (n=7 mice per group). Two-tailed Unpaired t test was performed for the comparison. d. The primary tumor growth in the B16F1 tumor bearing mice treated with SFM or B16F10 TCM prior to surgery (100 μl every other day until primary tumor removal upon reaching the size ~200 mm2). n=5 mice per group.