Fig. 2.
Cytidine acetylation enzymes, substrates, and adapter molecules. (A) Cytidine acetylation enzymes. (B) Known substrates of TmcA and TmcAL cytidine acetylation enzymes. (C) Known tRNA substrates of Nat10/Kre33-type cytidine acetyltransferases. tRNA acetylation in eukaryotes requires an adapter protein (THUMPD1, human; Tan1, yeast). (D) Known ribosomal RNA substrates of Nat10/Kre33-type cytidine acetyltransferases. rRNA Acetylation requires short nuclear RNA (snoRNA) adapters (human helix 45, U13; yeast helix 45, snr45; yeast helix 34, snr4). Note: Identify of snoRNA guiding Human helix 34 acetylation has not yet been identified.