Recommendations for investigation of SCA survivors: provocative testing
COR | LOE | Recommendations | References |
1 | B-NR | 1. Exercise testing is recommended in all undiagnosed SCA survivors to induce arrhythmias that may support the diagnoses of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy and CPVT and to evaluate dynamic depolarization or repolarization features that may support the diagnoses of Brugada syndrome, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, and long QT syndrome. | 216,220,263–265,270,271,302,303 |
2a | B-NR | 2. Lying to standing ECGs can be useful in SCA survivors for the diagnosis of long QT syndrome, but must be interpreted with caution in children. | 266–270 |
2b | B-NR | 3. Epinephrine challenge may be considered for the diagnosis of long QT syndrome and CPVT, in those unable to exercise. | 273–275,277,304 |
1 | B-NR | 4. Sodium channel blocker challenge with standard and high precordial ECG leads is recommended for the diagnosis of Brugada syndrome in undiagnosed SCA survivors with suggestive clinical characteristics, including a type 2 or 3 Brugada ECG pattern. | 233,273–275,277,286 |
2a | B-NR | 5. Sodium channel blocker challenge with standard and high precordial ECG leads can be useful for the diagnosis of Brugada syndrome in SCA survivors where no other disorder has been identified. | 233,279–282 |
2b | B-NR | 6. Ergonovine, acetylcholine, or hyperventilation testing when performed in experienced centers may be considered for the diagnosis of coronary vasospasm as the cause of SCA in a survivor where no other disorder has been identified. | 216,294,295 |
2b | C-LD | 7. Adenosine challenge may be useful for the unmasking of ventricular pre-excitation and therefore the diagnosis of rapidly conducted atrial arrhythmia as the likely cause of SCA in a survivor where no other disorder has been identified. | 297 |
2a | C-LD | 8. An electrophysiological study can be considered if bundle branch re-entrant ventricular tachycardia, pre-excited atrial fibrillation, or supraventricular tachycardia are suspected in an SCA survivor. | 298,299 |
2b | C-LD | 9. Electroanatomic right ventricular voltage mapping may be considered for detection of subclinical arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy in an SCA survivor where no other disorder has been identified. | 300 |
2b | C-LD | 10. An electrophysiological study may be considered in an SCA survivor where no other disorder has been identified to evaluate potential underlying substrate. | 301 |