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. 2021 Jun 10;16(1):43. doi: 10.5334/gh.939

Table 1.

CR availability by country (N = 111), survey response and COVID-19 burden.

WHO Region Country Number of CR programsa CR density§,a Number of survey responses (%) Mean date of survey completion (DD/MMM/2020) COVID cases at mean date of survey completionb COVID restrictionsc CR delivery interrupted n (%)

    Algeria 1 2556 1 (100.0%) 09/Jun 10,265 86.57 NR
    Nigeria 1 4480 8 (100.0%)* 15/May 5,162 80.56 5 (100.0%)
    South Africa 23 52 1 (4.3%) 30/Apr 5,350 87.96 1 (100.0%)
Subtotal 25 10 (40.0%) 6 (100.0%)

    Argentina 23 3 1 (4.3%) 26/Apr 3,767 98.15 NR
    Barbados 1 13 2 (100.0%)* 14/May 85 81.48 1 (100.0%)
    Brazil 75 98 27 (36.0%) 11/May 162,699 81.02 19 (100.0%)
    Canada 170 2 39 (22.9%) 12/May 69,981 70.83 18 (64.3%)
    Chile 10 23 12 (100.0%)* 24/May 65,393 78.24 10 (90.9%)
    Colombia 50 4 16 (32.0%) 29/Apr 5,949 90.74 12 (92.3%)
    Costa Rica 6 12 9 (100.0%)* 04/May 739 72.22 3 (60.0%)
    Cuba 8 35 1 (12.5%) 25/Apr 1,285 83.33 1 (100.0%)
    Ecuador 5 29 1 (20.0%) 11/May 19,559 86.11 1 (100.0%)
    Honduras 2 274 3 (100.0%)* 08/May 1,685 100.0 0 (0.0%)
    Mexico 59 27 4 (6.8%) 04/May 23,471 82.41 4 (100.0%)
    Paraguay 3 25 3 (100.0%) 20/May 829 94.44 2 (100.0%)
    Peru 10 20 2 (20.0%) 11/May 67,307 92.59 2 (100.0%)
    USA 2685 3 414 (15.4%) 23/May 1,60 million 72.69 238 (85.0%)
    Uruguay 12 4 1 (8.3%) 20/May 738 61.11 1 (100.0%)
Subtotal 3084 535 (17.3%) 312 (84.6%)

Eastern Mediterranean
    Bahrain 1 8 2 (100.0%)* 19/May 7,184 75.00 2 (100.0%)
    Iran 34 15 5 (14.7%) 30/Apr 93,657 56.48 3 (75.0%)
    Kuwait 1 31 1 (100.0%) 01/Jun 27,043 84.26 1 (100.0%)
    Morocco 1 635 1 (100.0%) 08/May 5,548 93.52 1 (100.0%)
    Pakistan 4 104 1 (25.0%) 27/Apr 13,328 89.81 1 (100.0%)
    Qatar 1 37 1 (100.0%) 07/Jun 67,195 83.33 1 (100.0%)
    Saudi Arabia 1 335 2 (100.0%)* 26/May 74,795 91.67 0 (0.0%)
    Tunisia 1 335 1 (100.0%) 24/Apr 918 90.74 NR
Subtotal 44 14 (31.8%) 9 (81.8%)

    Austria 7 6 7 (100.0%) 28/Apr 15,256 78.70 7 (100.0%)
    Belarus 5 59 1 (20.0%) 06/Jun 46,868 13.89 1 (100.0%)
    Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 10 1 (100.0%) 09/May 2,070 90.74 0 (0.0%)
    Croatia 3 9 3 (100.0%) 15/May 2,221 70.37 3 (100.0%)
    Czech Republic 15 22 3 (20.0%) 10/May 8,095 54.63 2 (66.7%)
    Denmark 35 3 1 (2.9%) 08/Jun 11,948 62.96 1 (100.0%)
    Estonia 2 37 2 (100.0%) 06/May 1,711 75.00 1 (100.0%)
    Finland 25 11 1 (4.0%) 27/Apr 4,576 57.41 1 (100.0%)
    France 130 4 22 (16.9%) 09/Jun 154,188 65.74 3 (60.0%)
    Georgia 17 2 7 (41.2%) 06/May 604 96.30 5 (83.3%)
    Greece 4 153 1 (25.0%) 26/Apr 2,506 84.26 1 (100.0%)
    Hungary 33 4 12 (36.4%) 11/May 3,284 62.96 7 (77.8%)
    Ireland 37 1 33 (89.2%) 08/May 22,385 90.74 27 (96.4%)
    Israel 22 1 2 (9.1%) 02/May 16,101 84.26 1 (100.0%)
    Italy 221 5 12 (5.4%) 05/May 211,938 62.96 7 (87.5%)
    Lithuania 25 1 1 (4.0%) 29/Apr 1,344 77.78 1 (100.0%)
    Malta 1 2 1 (100.0%) 28/Apr 450 NR 1 (100.0%)
    Moldova 1 53 2 (100.0%)* 09/Jun 9,807 80.56 0 (0.0%)
    Netherlands 90 2 2 (2.2%) 29/Apr 38,416 79.63 0 (0.0%)
    Norway 35 41 2 (5.7%) 10/May 8,069 64.81 2 (100.0%)
    Portugal 23 16 3 (13.0%) 03/May 25,190 87.96 3 (100.0%)
    Romania 3 17 1 (33.3%) 26/Apr 10,635 87.04 1 (100.0%)
    Serbia 2 13 3 (100.0%)* 13/May 10,243 93.52 2 (100.0%)
    Slovak Republic 7 21 1 (14.3%) 10/May 1,455 73.15 1 (100.0%)
    Slovenia 2 37 3 (100.0%)* 14/May 1,464 53.24 2 (100.0%)
    Spain 87 17 5 (5.7%) 02/May 217,804 85.19 4 (100.0%)
    Sweden 69 5 38 (55.1%) 28/May 35,088 46.30 13 (68.4%)
    Turkey 10 97 3 (30.0%) 01/May 120,204 75.93 3 (100.0%)
    United Kingdom (includes Guernsey) 365 59 (16.2%) 08/May 206,715 75.93 20 (48.8%)
        England 266 2 41 (15.4%) 10/May 138,759
        Guernsey NR NR 1 (NR) 28/Apr 247
        Northern Ireland 13 3 2 (15.4%) 27/Apr 3,374
        Scotland 69 1 9 (13.0%) 12/May 13,763
        Wales 17 2 6 (35.3%) 30/Apr 10,362
Subtotal 1642 232 (14.1%) 120 (75.9%)

South-East Asian
    Bangladesh 1 2046 1 (100.0%) 15/May 18,863 89.81 0 (0.0%)
    India 23 360 44 (100.0%)* 21/May 112,359 79.17 19 (90.5%)
    Indonesia 13 51 4 (30.8%) 01/May 10,118 80.09 3 (75.0%)
    Nepal 1 22 2 (100.0%)* 05/Jun 2,634 92.59 1 (100.0%)
    Thailand 5 200 2 (40.0%) 06/Jun 3,104 57.41 1 (100.0%)
Subtotal 43 53 (100.0%) 24 (85.7%)

Western Pacific
    Australia 314 1 69 (22.0%) 07/May 6,875 69.44 30 (53.6%)
    Brunei Darussalam 2 3 1 (50.0%) 22/May 141 52.78 1 (100.0%)
    China 216 44 53 (24.5%) 03/Jun 84,159 78.24 25 (48.1%)
    Japan 325 5 1 (0.3%) 31/May 16,851 31.48 NR
    Malaysia 6 58 5 (83.3%) 14/May 6,779 69.44 3 (100.0%)
    New Zealand 43 2 27 (62.8%) 14/May 1,147 36.11 20 (87.0%)
    Philippines 10 39 9 (90.0%) 11/May 10,794 96.30 8 (100.0%)
    Singapore 7 5 8 (100.0%)* 05/May 18,778 85.19 4 (100.0%)
    South Korea 17 22 8 (47.1%) 13/May 10,962 43.52 0 (0.0%)
    Taiwan 35 7 19 (54.3%) 05/May 438 27.78 2 (16.7%)
Subtotal 975 200 (20.5%) 93 (56.4%)

Total 5813 1044 (18.0%) 18/May° 4.68 million 570 (76.2%)

Note: Valid frequency and percentage shown.

NR, not reported; USA, United States of America; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019.

– not applicable.

a As per ICCPR’s Global CR Audit [26].

b Information retrieved from the website

c Government Response Stringency Index ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 = strictest responses.

* Number of respondents surpassed the number of CR programs previously identified.

Received updated information regarding number of programs in country since ICCPR’s global audit.

§ Represents number of CR spots available per year per incident ischemic heart disease patient (higher numbers represent worse density; i.e., 1 CR ‘spot’ per n patients).

16 respondents did not identify which country they are from.

° Average date of survey completion.