Figure 6.
Effect of RNAi-mediated knockdown of the CNL1 and 4 in Populus x canescens on the formation of salicinoids. Concentration of salicin (A), salicortin (B), tremulacin (C), salirepin (D), salicin-7-sulfate (E), and salirepin-7-sulfate (F) in leaves of Chrysomela populi-damaged wild-type (WT) and transgenic P. x canescens trees are shown. Compounds were extracted with methanol from freeze-dried leaf material and analyzed using LC–MS/MS and HPLC-UV. Medians ± quartiles, and outliers are shown (n = 4 biological replicates). EV, empty vector; dw, dry weight; ns, not significant. Differences between WT/EV and RNAi knockdown lines were analyzed by Student's t test (ST). Salicin (P = 0.111, t = −1.865, ST); salicortin (P = 0.385, t = −0.936, ST); tremulacin (P = 0.168, t = −1.566, ST); salirepin (P = 0.098, t = 1.961, ST); salicin-7-sulfate (P = 0.242, t = 1.298, ST); salirepin-7-sulfate (P = 0.131, t = 1.748, ST).