Table 1.
Mechanism of interest | Description | Effect of oxidative stress | Direct evidence? |
nDNA and mtDNA damage | Base modifications (8-oxoG) | Increase | + |
SSB and DSB | Increase | + | |
DNA repair | Excision repair (NER, BER) | Higher need | + |
Recombinational repair (DSBR) | Higher need | + | |
Competing demand: differentiation vs. DNA repair | Increase | ± | |
Epigenetics | HAT and HDAC balance | Altered | + |
Methylation pattern changes | Altered | ± | |
MiRNA activity and biogenesis | Altered | ± | |
Mitochondria | ETC function | Decrease | ± |
ROS generation | Increase | + | |
Cell signalling | ROS-sensitive signalling in relation to cell growth, metabolism, differentiation and antioxidant defence (e.g. AMPK, MAPK, PGC-1α, Nrf2, mTOR) | Altered | ± |
+ = direct evidence linking oxidative stress to the mechanism of interest in OPCs, ± = suggested link but no direct evidence linking oxidative stress to the mechanisms in OPCs yet. 8-oxoG 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine, BER base excision repair, DSB double-strand breaks, DSBR double-strand break repair, ETC electron transport chain, HAT histone acetyltransferases, HDAC histone deacetylases, NER nucleotide excision repair, OPC oligodendrocyte precursor cell, ROS reactive oxygen species, SSB single-strand breaks