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. 2021 Jun 11;7:50. doi: 10.1038/s41531-021-00194-7

Table 2.

Assessment of patient’s quality of life measured by PDQ-39 (n = 57).

Dimension M0 M3 M6 M12 M24 Friedman test p value Relative change M0–M24
Physical score 53.5 (18.1) 51.3 (18.3) 51.9 (17.6) 48.9 (17.5)a 54.1 (17.0) 0.013 +1.2%
 Mobility 57.7 (22.7) 56.0 (22.5) 56.2 (20.6) 52.7 (19.9)a 57.6 (18.8) 0.036 −0.09%
 ADL 49.9 (20.3) 45.2 (20.0) 47.0 (20.6) 44.0 (20.4) 49.3 (22.7) 0.134 −1%
 Bodily discomfort 46.9 (20.6) 45.7 (19.7) 47.1 (21.2) 46.4 (20.1) 52.1 (19.6) 0.297 +11%
Psychological score 32.8 (11.5) 32.0 (13.4) 34.3 (12.6) 33.3 (13.6) 35.6 (12.4) 0.366 +8%
 EMO 41.7 (19.0) 40.1 (17.6) 38.3 (16.2) 39.0 (17.5) 41.2 (15.8) 0.871 −1.4%
 Stigma 35.0 (20.3) 28.0 (21.9)a 32.6 (25.8) 34.1 (23.1)a 30.8 (22.9)a 0.027 −11.8%
 Social support 16.2 (17.8) 17.3 (21.2) 23.1 (23.7) 21.5 (21.6) 25.3 (21.9)a 0.015 +55.8%
 Cognition 28.8 (17.7) 34.2 (22.0) 34.8 (17.8) 33.5 (18.3) 36.4 (18.4) 0.387 +26%
 Communication 34.1 (19.5) 33.8 (22.2) 38.0 (22.2) 33.9 (19.2) 40.8 (19.6)a 0.018 +19.6%
PDQ-39 total 42.3 (12.3) 40.8 (13.7) 42.9 (14.8) 40.3 (14.0) 44.3 (13.4) 0.054 +4.6%

Changes for each dimension, physical or psychological subscores, and PDQ-39 total score. Data are mean (SD). The PDQ-39 range is 0–100; the higher the score, the worse the self-reported quality of life; negative change = improvement. Missing values in PDQ-39 domain scores were imputed using the nearest available observations. Related samples Friedman’s two-way analysis of variance by ranks test followed by Wilcoxon tests with a Bonferroni Correction applied.

PDQ-39 39-item Parkinson’s disease questionnaire, AD activities of daily living, EMO emotional well-being.

ap value < 0.05 compared to M0. Since there was a strong trend toward significance for PDQ-39 total (p = 0.054), we checked the score evolution compared to M0 by paired comparisons and found that all the p values were >0.23; relative change = (mean Testfollow-up − mean Testbaseline)/Testbaseline × 100.