Figure 1.
Assessment of NAF sample proteomes. (a) Number of proteins identified in each sample and (b) comparison of BC proteomes with NC; (c) Scatter plot comparison represents Pearson correlation coefficient (R) of Log2 annotated protein groups from biological (Replicate_1,2,3) and technical replicates (Injection_1,2,3) of subject 9 right breast sample (d) Pearson correlation matrix between all samples (positive correlations = blue, negative correlations = red, non-significant correlations = white); (e) Volcano plot of protein fold-change between bilateral samples (disease breast versus the contralateral non-diseased breast sample) from BC patients plotted against paired student t-test p-value. Red dashed line shows a p-value cut off = 0.05; (red spots = upregulated proteins, blue spots = downregulated proteins); (right/left = R/L, healthy/disease = H/D).