Fig. 5.
Metagenome analysis of Group C Arthrobacter. a Depiction of the mean annual temperature (MAT) of surface air at a height of 2 m (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) relative to latitude. The 639 metagenomes are divided into thermal categories: PA (black squares, 196 metagenome), temperate (gray squares, 243 metagenomes), and tropical (purple squares, 200 metagenomes). b Linear regression showing the correlation of the abundance of Group C-specific genes within each of the 639 metagenomes (see panel a) relative to the abundance of Group C-specific genes within the Arthrobacter pan genome. The 95% prediction interval (dark pink band) and 95% confidence interval (light pink band) are shown for each regression line (panels b, c, and e). The upper cluster contains 11 Axel Heiberg Island permafrost metagenomes. c As for panel b, except with the addition of 334 permafrost metagenomes (total 973 metagenomes). The Stordalen Mire (Abisko, Sweden) metagenome is shown by an arrow. d As for panel b, except showing Group B-specific genes. e As for panel b, except showing Group A-specific genes present in PA genomes (lower line) and NPA genomes (upper line). The regression line for the 11 Axel Heiberg Island permafrost metagenomes is not shown