Table 1.
miRNA directly targets DAMPs and their tumor suppressor or oncomiRNA associated roles. According to the miRBase nomenclature, miRNAs are named with the abbreviation “miR” followed by a dash and a number. These are preceded by a prefix representing the species (for example, “hsa” for Homo sapiens). Each miRNA is also identified by its miRBase accession number and, if available, the type of its dysregulation reported in the tumor model analyzed, according to which it may be classified as tumor suppressor or oncomiRNA. For each targeted DAMP, the effects of its regulation are also described (↓ decrease/inhibition; ↑ increase/activation).
miRNA | miRBase Accession Number | Dysregulation in Cancer vs. Normal Counterparts | Target DAMP | miRNA Binding Site in Target Gene | Cancer Type | Effects | Role | Reference |
hsa-let-7e-5p | MIMAT0000066 | Not evaluated | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Thyroid cancer | ↓ Migration ↓ Invasion |
Tumor suppressor | Ding et al., 2019 [39] |
hsa-miR-107 | MIMAT0000104 | Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Breast cancer | ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation ↓ Autophagy |
Tumor suppressor | Ai et al., 2018 [40] |
hsa-miR-1179 | MIMAT0005824 | Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Gastric cancer | ↓ Proliferation ↓ Invasion |
Tumor suppressor | Li et al., 2019 [41] |
hsa-miR-1284 | MIMAT0005941 | Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | HMGB1 | Not reported | Cervical cancer | ↓ Proliferation ↓ Invasion ↑ Cisplatin-induced apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Chen & Li, 2018 [42] |
hsa-miR-129-5p | MIMAT0000242 | Not evaluated | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Breast cancer | ↓ Irradiation-induced autophagy ↑ Radiosensitivity |
Tumor suppressor | Luo et al., 2015 [43] |
Not evaluated | Not evaluated | Breast cancer | ↓ Autophagy ↑ Paclitaxel-induced apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Shi et al., 2019 [44] |
Not evaluated | Not reported | Colon cancer | ↓ Proliferation | Tumor suppressor | Wu et al., 2018 [45] |
Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | 3′UTR | Gastric cancer | ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Feng et al., 2020 [46] |
Downregulation (cell lines) | 3′UTR | Gastric cancer | ↓ Proliferation ↓ Epithelial-mesenchymal transition |
Tumor suppressor | Wang et al., 2019 [47] |
Not evaluated | 3′UTR | Hepatocellular carcinoma | ↓ Migration ↓ Invasion |
Tumor suppressor | Zhang et al., 2017 [48] |
Downregulation (tissues) | 3′UTR | Osteosarcoma | ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Liu et al., 2017 [49] |
hsa-miR-142-3p | MIMAT0000434 | Downregulation (tissues) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Glioma | ↓ Proliferation ↓ Invasion |
Tumor suppressor | Zhang et al., 2018 [50] |
Not evaluated | 3′UTR | Non-small-cell lung cancer | ↓ Starvation-induced autophagy ↑ Cisplatin and doxorubicin-chemosensitivity |
Tumor suppressor | Chen et al., 2017 [51] |
Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | 3′UTR | Non-small-cell lung cancer | ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Xiao & Lu, 2015 [52] |
Downregulation (tissues) | 3′UTR | Osteosarcoma | ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Liu et al., 2017 [49] |
Not evaluated | Hsp70 | 3′UTR | Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma | ↓ Proliferation | Tumor suppressor | MacKenzie et al., 2013 [53] |
hsa-miR-181b-5p | MIMAT0000257 | Not evaluated | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Acute myeloid leukemia | ↑ Doxorubicin or cytarabine-induced apoptosis | Tumor suppressor | Lu et al., 2014 [54] |
hsa-miR-193a-3p | MIMAT0000459 | Not evaluated | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Lung cancer | ↓ Proliferation ↓ Migration |
Tumor suppressor | Wu et al., 2018 [55] |
hsa-miR-200a-5p | MIMAT0001620 | Downregulation (tissues) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Hepatocellular carcinoma | Not determined | Tumor suppressor | Li et al., 2017 [56] |
hsa-miR-200c-3p | MIMAT0000617 | Not evaluated | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Breast cancer | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration |
Tumor suppressor | Chang et al., 2014 [57] |
Not evaluated | Not evaluated | Lung cancer | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Epithelial-mesenchymal transition |
Tumor suppressor | Liu et al., 2017 [58] |
hsa-miR-205-5p | MIMAT0000266 | Downregulation (tissues). Moreover, it is downregulated in metastatic compared to non-metastatic cancer | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Triple-negative breast cancer | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation |
Tumor suppressor | Wang et al., 2019 [59] |
hsa-miR-218-5p | MIMAT0000275 | Downregulation Paclitaxel-resistant compared to non-drug resistant cells (cell lines) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Endometrial carcinoma | ↓ Autophagy ↑ Paclitaxel-chemosensitivity |
Tumor suppressor | Ran et al., 2015 [60] |
Not evaluated | 3′UTR | Lung cancer | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration |
Tumor suppressor | Zhang et al., 2013 [61] |
Non evaluated | 3′UTR | Prostate cancer | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Zhang et al., 2019 [62] |
hsa-miR-223-3p | MIMAT0000280 | Not evaluated | Hsp90 | 3′UTR | Osteosarcoma | ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis ↑ Cell cycle G0/G1 arrest |
Tumor suppressor | Li et al., 2012 [63] |
hsa-miR-223-5p | MIMAT0004570 | Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | Hsp70 | 3′UTR | Osteosarcoma | ↑ Cisplastin-induced apoptosis | Tumor suppressor | Tang et al., 2018 [64] |
hsa-miR-320a-3p | MIMAT0000510 | Downregulation (tissues) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Hepatocellular carcinoma | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration |
Tumor suppressor | Lv et al., 2017 [65] |
hsa-miR-325 | MIMAT0000771 | Downregulation (tissues) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Non-small cell lung cancer | ↓ Invasion ↓ Proliferation |
Tumor suppressor | Yao et al., 2015 [66] |
hsa-miR-27a-3p | MIMAT0000084 | Upregulation (tissues) | Calreticulin | 3′UTR | Colorectal cancer | ↓ Mitoxantrone and oxaliplain-induced apoptosis ↓ Autophagy ↓ MCH-I expression ↓ Dendritic cell maturation ↓ In situ immune cells infiltration ↑ Tumor growth ↑ Liver metastasis |
Onco-miRNA | Colangelo et al., 2016a and b [67,68] |
hsa-miR-27b-3p | MIMAT0000419 | Not evaluated | Hsp90 | 3′UTR | Non-small-cell lung carcinoma | ↓ Migration ↓ Invasion |
Tumor suppressor | Dong et al., 2019 [69] |
hsa-miR-34a-3p | MIMAT0004557 | Not evaluated | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Retinoblastoma | ↑ Etoposide and carboplatin-induced apoptosis ↓ Starvation-induced autophagy |
Tumor suppressor | Liu et al., 2014 [70] |
hsa-miR-34a-5p | MIMAT0000255 | Downregulation (cell lines) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Acute Myeloid Leukemia | ↑ Apoptosis ↓ Autophagy |
Tumor suppressor | Liu et al., 2017 [58] |
Downregulation (tissues) | 3′UTR | Cervical (CaCx) and colorectal (CRC) cancers | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation |
Tumor suppressor | Chandrasekaran et al., 2016 [71] |
Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | 3′UTR | Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation |
Tumor suppressor | Li et al., 2017 [72] |
hsa-miR-361-5p | MIMAT0000703 | Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | Hsp90 | 3′UTR | Cervical cancer | ↓ Epithelial-mesenchymal transition ↓ Invasion |
Tumor suppressor | Xu et al., 2020 [73] |
hsa-miR-449a | MIMAT0001541 | Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Non-small cell lung cancer | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation |
Tumor suppressor | Wu et al., 2019 [74] |
hsa-miR-505-3p | MIMAT0002876 | Downregulation (cell lines) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Gastric cancer | ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Tian et al., 2018 [75] |
Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | 3′UTR | Hepatocellular carcinoma | ↓ Proliferation ↓ Invasion ↓ Epithelial-mesenchymal transition |
Tumor suppressor | Lu et al., 2016 [76] |
Not evaluated | Non evaluated | Hepatocellular carcinoma | ↑ Doxorubicin-induced apoptosis | Tumor suppressor | Lu et al., 2018 [77] |
Downregulation (tissues) | 3′UTR | Osteosarcoma | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation |
Tumor suppressor | Liu et al., 2017 [78] |
hsa-miR-519d-3p | MIMAT0002853 | Downregulation (tissues) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Lung cancer | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation |
Tumor suppressor | Ye et al., 2020 [79] |
hsa-miR-548b-3p | MIMAT0003254 | Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Hepatocellular carcinoma | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Yun et al., 2019 [80] |
hsa-miR-628-3p | MIMAT0003297 | Not evaluated | Hsp90 | 3′UTR | Non-small-cell lung carcinoma | ↓ Migration ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Pan et al., 2018 [81] |
hsa-miR-665 | MIMAT0004952 | Downregulation (tissues and cell lines) | HMGB1 | 3′UTR | Retinoblastoma | ↓ Invasion ↓ Migration ↓ Proliferation ↑ Apoptosis |
Tumor suppressor | Wang et al., 2019 [82] |