Figure 2: Super-resolution time-lapse imaging of microtubule dynamics in Drosophila tissue (testes) expressing α-tubulin-GFP.
(A) Conventional confocal microscopy live cell image showing microtubule dynamics in mid G2 phase to metaphase. (B) Airyscan microscope live cell image showing asymmetric microtubule emanating from mother versus daughter centrosomes in mid G2 phase to metaphase, with detailed structural information. A cartoon depicts the Drosophila male germline stem cell. Scale bar: 5μm; asterisk: hub (niche); green arrow: mother centrosome (stem cell side [M]); red arrow: daughter centrosome (differentiating daughter cell side [D]); yellow arrow: centrosome in spermatogonia cell (progenitor non-stem germ cell); magenta arrow: microtubule poking in nucleus.