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. 2021 May 25;21(11):3662. doi: 10.3390/s21113662
Algorithm 1 BestSplitByHistogram Algorithm
1 Input: d: training data, max_depth
2 Input:m: merger fingerprint dimension
3 nodeSet = {0} #tree nodes in current level
4 rowSet = {{0,1,2,...}} #data indices in tree nodes
5 for i = 1 to max_depth
6 for node in nodeSet do
7 usedRows = rowSet[node]
8 for j = 1 to m do
9 H = new Histogram()
10 #Build histogram
11 for k in usedRows do
12 bin = d.s[j][k].bin
13 H[bin].g += d.g[j] #Sum of gradients in each bin
14 H[bin].n += 1 #Sum of samples in each bin
15 Find the best split on histogram H.
16 Update rowSet and nodeSet according to the best split points