Figure 7.
VENTX located in a gene regulatory network. This scheme summarizes the results of our study. The DC-associated NKL homeobox genes VENTX and HHEX are shown centrally involved in the differentiation of cDCs and pDCs. VENTX expression is activated by the TNFa-, IL4-, CSF1-, and NOTCH1-signaling pathways. The TFs SPI1, CEBPB, IRF2, MN1, and EVI1 activate VENTX while the TFs SPIB, ETV6, and GATA2 inhibit VENTX expression. Regulation by the TFs SPI1, CEBPB, ETV6, and GATA2 may operate directly as indicated by public ChIP-data (arrows in bold). The TFs ETV6, MN1, GATA2, and EVI1 are targeted by the chromosomal aberrations t(12;22)(p13;q11) and inv(3)(q21q26). Indicated VENTX target genes are CSFR1, EGR2, and MIR10A.