Effect of LH chemical lesions on acupuncture inhibition of cocaine-induced locomotor activity. (A) Schematic locations of the acupoints, HT7 and ST36, LI5. (B) Acupoints were stimulated with mechanical acupuncture instrument (MAI). (C,D) Effects of acupuncture on cocaine-induced enhancement of locomotor activity in rats. Rats received one acupuncture treatment for 20 s by using MAI. Acupuncture at HT7 (n = 6), but neither ST36 (n = 5) nor LI5 (n = 6), reduced the mean distance traveled per 10 min following cocaine injection, compared to Control group (cocaine injection only, n = 6; C). * p < 0.05 vs. the values before cocaine injection; #
p < 0.05 vs. Control. Representative moving traces for 60 min after cocaine injection (D). (E–G) Effect of acupuncture on cocaine-induced locomotor activities in LH-lesioned rats. Representative moving traces for 60 min following cocaine injection in LH-lesioned rats (F). Toluidine blue-stained coronal sections of a rat brain with chemical lesions in the LH (G). LH lesion, cocaine injection in LH-lesioned rats (n = 6); LH lesion + HT7, acupuncture at HT7 after cocaine injection in LH-lesioned rats (n = 5). LH, lateral hypothalamus; Acup, acupuncture.