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. 2021 May 30;21(11):3786. doi: 10.3390/s21113786

Table 2.

The list of entropies, undirected and directed spatiotemporal (spt.), and complex network features reviewed in this work.

Group Feature Name Abbr. Group Feature Name Abbr.
Entropies Shannon entropy Undirected spt. Imaginary component of Coh
Renyi’s entropy Phase-lag index PLI
Tsallis entropy Weighted phase lag index wPLI
Kraskov entropy KE Debiased weighted PLI dwPLI
Spectral entropy SEN Pairwise phase consistency PPC
Quadratic Renyi’s SEN QRSEN Generalized synchronization
Response entropy RE Synchronization likelihood SL
State entropy SE Mutual information MI
Wavelet entropy WE Mutual information in freq. MIF
Tsallis wavelet entropy TWE Cross-RQA
Rényi’s wavelet entropy RWE Correlation length ξKLD
Hilbert-Huang SEN HHSE Directed spt. Granger causality
Log energy entropy LogEn Spectral Granger causality
Multiresolution entropy Phase slope index PSI
Kolmogorov’s entropy Complex networks Number of vertices
Nonlinear forecasting entropy Number of edges
Maximum-likelihood entropy Degree D
Coarse-grained entropy Mean degree
Correntropy CoE Degree distribution
Approximate entropy ApEn Degree correlation r
Sample entropy SampEn Kappa k
Quadratic sample entropy QSE Clustering coefficiet
Multiscale entropy MSE Transitivity
Modified multiscale entropy MMSE Motif
Composite multiscale entropy CMSE Characteristic path length
Permutation entropy PE Small worldness
Renyi’s permutation entropy RPE Assortativity
Permutation Rényi entropy PEr Efficiency
Multivariate PE MvPE Local efficiency
Tsallis permutation entropy TPE Global efficiency
Dispersion entropy DisE Modularity
Amplitude-aware PE AAPE Centrality degree
Bubble entropy BE Closesness centrality
Differential entropy DifE Eigenvalue centrality
Fuzzy entropy FuzzyEn Betweenness centrality
Transfer entropy TrEn Diameter d
Undirected spt. Coherence Eccentricity Ecc
Partial coherence Hubs
Phase coherence Rich club
Phase-locking value PLV Leaf fraction
Coherency Coh Hierarchy Th